Darwin's born
On this day Charles Darwin is born in Shrewsbury,England. He was the second youngest of six children. Also he came from a long line of scientists his dad included. (www.biography.com) -
President Jackson tries to buy mexico
On this day U.S. President Andrew jackson tried to buy Mexico from mexican president Gurrero. This attempt was to try to expand the U.S. like Jackson had planned. But the mexican president didnt agree to the offer and mexico stayed its own country. (www.fsmitha.com) -
Sails to S.America on H.M.S. Beagle
To get on the journey he got recommended to go as a naturalist. Over the trip he collected lots of different and new species which he rocrded in a book during his journey. He had the oppourtunity to observe principles of botany, zoology, and geology. South America and the Pacific Ilands. it was a monumental trip and he returned to england in 1836. (www.biography.com) -
Publishes 3-volume work on journey
When Darwin got back from his voyage he had lots of information that he had to share with the world. Alot about unknown species and things people hadnt known or heard much about. So he decided to take his information from his small book and make it into a nicer and bigger book. In fact he published a 3 volume work on what he found and his journey. It was first published in the journal of Researches. (www.biography.com) -
started first notebook on evolution
He was a very secretive man and he kept some things to himself. But in 1837 one of his secrets leaked out and people found out that Darwin had been keeping a book on a thoery. This theory was about the evolution of man and the human race. The notebook provided important information on his thoery and great insight of his mind. This notebook would lead to one of the worlds greatest discoveries. (www.studyworld.com ) -
Darwin marries his first cousin
Darwin decided to marry his first cousin in 1839. They had a pretty happy and successful marriage. But they questioned if marrying each other led to the poor health of their kids. They had ten kids together and three of them died before the age of ten. The reast of them were very sickly and struggled to have children of their own. (www.asylum.com) -
New Zealand becomes british colony
New zealand on this day declares it is becoming a british colony. The majority of the population was Maoris and they were what worried the british. So the british decided to make a deal with New Zealand and they agreed and became a british colony. (www.historytoday.com) -
Sent evolution review essay and Wallaces paper to botonists
When darwin and his partner Wallace sent in their paper to botanists to review they had no idea how big their idea was. The botanists reviewed and looked over the two scientists papers. Their papers got reviewed many times and sent around to many people but in the end they got the ok from the main scientists and decided to show their paper in front of a bigger more important crowd. (www.plantsystematics.org) -
Millard Fillmore becomes 13th U.S. president
Millard Fillmore became the 13th U.S. president in this year. But just two years before in 1848 he was elected vice president. He was elected because the president before him had passed away and he was the vice president at the time. He has a very successful presidency and got out of office in 1853. (www.whitehouse.gov) -
Treaty of Paris
On this day the treay of paris was signed and it made the black sea a neutral territory. There was about 14 signing parties for the treaty. This treaty also settled the Crimean War between Russia and France. (www.britannica.com) -
Darwin and Wallace present ideas at conference
Darwin and Wallace took their ideas about the theory of evolution and presented them in front of an important audience. There was 29 men present at the first reading of the ideas and they all agreed that his theory should be shared and made into something bigger, They decided to let him publish his theory as an article in the "journal of proceedings of the linnean society, zoology." (www.nescent.org) -
Darwin publishes his theory of evolution
After years of scientific investigation darwin publsihed his theory into a book called the "theory of evolution." It was one of the most popular books of its time and sold 1250 copies on the first day. By 1885 more than 28000 copies of his best selling book were sold. His years of work on his theory finally paid off and was shared with the world. He had put his theory of evolution and mankind into a book that was a life changer to read. (www.biography.com) -
Russia sells Alaska to U.S.
On this day Russia sold Alaska to the United states. It was sold for 7.2 million dollars and still is a U.S. state today. The deal ended up being one of the best bargins in U.S. history. (www.americaslibrary.gov) -
Writes two other books to advance theory of evolution
Early in the year 1871 darwin published two other books that became pretty popular for him and they were "the descent of man" and "selection in relation to sex." Those were two of his other books that became popular with the crowd of the 1800's. He became a very successful book writer when hu published over 25 books. He enjoyed writing books and after his best selling theory of evolution. (www.aboutdarwin.com) -
Yellowstone National Park
On this day yellowstone national park is named a national park and is named the largest national park. It runs through 3 different states and has 60% of the worlds geysers. The yellowstone river also runs through it and you can see the grand canyon from it. (www.npca.org) -
Darwin's dies
After a very successful life charles darwin died at a family home in London on april 19th, 1882. He was buried at westminster abbey. During his life he discovered some of the most important things that the human race still uses and studies today. (www.biography.com)