Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin's Birth

    Charles Darwin was born on February 18,1809
  • Charles Publishes "Journal of Researches"

    Charles Publishes "Journal of Researches" which became a prpoular book.
  • Charles Publishes the second edition of "Journal of Researches"

    Charles publishes the second edition of "Journal of Researches"
  • Charles new book, "Origin of Species"

    Charles publishes his new book "Orgin of Species."
  • The "Copley Medal"

    Charles recieves the Copley Medal by the Royal Soiciety
  • "The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication" is published

    Charles publishes his new book "The Variation of of Plants and Animals under Domestication."
  • "Desent of Man" is published

    Charles publishes his new book "Desent of Man."
  • Charles Darwin Dies

    Charles Darwin Dies
  • "The Expression of the Emotions of Man and Animals" is published

    Charles publishes his new book "The Expression of Emotions of Man and Animals."
  • "Insectivous Plants" is published

    Charles publishes "Insectivous Plants"
  • A new member of the Geological Society of England

    Charles Darwin is elected a member of the Geological Society of England
  • Edinburgh University

    Charles Darwin went to school at Edinburgh University and studied medicine, zoology, and geology.
  • Work being shared to the Linnear Soiciety

    Darwin's and Wallace"s (his partner) work is read to the Linnear Soiciety
  • Cambridge University

    Charls went to Cambridge University for college
  • A new fellow of thee Royal Soiciety of London

    Charles is elected a fellow of the Royal Soiciety of London.