Computer History Timeline

By Laya_
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage was a English mathematician and inventor responsible for creating the first automatic digital computer. He made a small calculator that could perform certain mathematical computations to eight decimals. Then in 1823 he obtained government support for the design of a projected machine, the Difference Engine.
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Ada Lovelace in my opinion is the creator and author of the first computer program. In 1833 she was introduced to Charles Babbage, and they both worked together for two decades, where Ada translate a description of his engine writing , where she found errors of his and even created her own notes that were three times longer. Because of this, she came up with the theory of how the machine could be used to calculate Bernoulli Numbers.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing was famous for his work development of the first modern computer. He invited the computing machine known as the "Turing Machine", that could perform calculation and follow instruction.
  • D.Mauchly and Eckert

    D.Mauchly and Eckert
    John Mauchly was head of physics at Ursinus College, presented a paper suggesting an electronic computer to accomplish that feat. A year later he joined forces with electrical engineer Presper Eckert and together they drafted a proposal for the ENIAC. The purpose of the ENIAC was to calculate artillery firing tables to be used by the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory to help US troops during World War II.
  • Grace Hooper

    Grace Hooper
    Grace Hooper was an American computer scientist, mathematician, and United States Navy rear admiral. She worked on some of the earliest computers and quickly developed advanced software programs and tools to make programming computers easier. After World War II, she joined EMCC where she developed “A-0”. She was also involved in the development of the COBOL programming language, still in use today by many large corporations.
  • Mark Dean

    Mark Dean
    Mark Dean Dean developed the new Industry Standard Architecture systems bus, a new system that allowed peripheral devices like disk drives, printers and monitors to be plugged directly into computers. In 1999, Dean led a team of engineers at IBM’s Austin, Texas, lab to create the first gigahertz processing chip chip, a revolutionary piece of technology that is able to do a
    billion calculations a second.