Rosa Parks
Rosa, a black rights activist, refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. She was arrested and fined $14 due to the Jim Crow laws in Alabama.
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 806 -
National Interstate and Defefense Highway Act
This was the largest public works project in history and the federal government paid for about 90% of the cost through the Trust Fund. After this project was started, annual driving increased about 400%.
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 776 -
Fidel Castro
Castro, was a lawyer, who drove the dictactor of Cuba, Fulgencio Batista, out of office. With support of the fellow Cubans, he was elected as the new dictactor. By summer though, he had taken over American properites. With this, Eisenhower then placed an embargo on Cuban sugar and cut off Amercian aid to Cuba.
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 789 -
After being refused service due to his race, Josepg McNeill and his friends returned to the lunch counter and waited to be served day after day. News spread and soon each day after more and more people joined the "sit-in."
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 807 -
Election of 1960
Jack Kennedy was facing his biggest hurdle in the Presidentail election since he was the first candidate to be Catholic. He gave his best speech when he said, "seperation of church and state is absolute."
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 791-792 -
John Kennedy
While in his motorcade in Dallas, JFK was assaignated by shooter Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was caught several hours later but do not know the reason behind him shooting the President as he was also killed.
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 810 -
Stonewall Inn
NY police raided Stonewall Inn, it was often frequented by lesbians and gays and they were often harrassed at places they hung out. When raided though, they fought back. Activists called upon them to "come out of the closet".
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 843-844 -
Senate Hearings of Watergate
John Dean came clean to the government and began testifying at the Senate Hearings. In his testimony, he stated that President Nixon was involved in the burglary cover up. Also by chance, the government found out that Nixon had been taping conversations and phone calls in the Oval office.
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 851 -
Nixon resigns
Not wanting to become the fiirst President to be impeached, President Nixon submitted his resignation as President.
Davidson, J., Delay, B., Heyrman, C., Lytle, M., Stoff, M. (2014) Experience History Interpreting Americ's Past From 1865, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, pg 852