OPEC was established in 1960, this was the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. -
Period: to
hippie culture
During this time period youth culture changed dramaticly with the rise of counter culture, changes in music, clothing styles and the rejection of the mainstream. -
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chapters 20-23
womens movment
A group of women who aimed to liberate women and fight for gender equality were known as feminists. They sought equality in all areas including, social, political, and econimical equallity. -
National Farmworkers Strike
Many farmworkers went on strike in 1965 however the strikie needed publicity, soon after the National Farm Workers Association joined the strike. Workers and activits stood in front of grocery stores urging customers to not buy grapes. Cesar Chavez led the strike and it got great sucsess. -
Free Speech Movement
The free speech movement began with students at Berkely who desired to saw what they felt without persecution by the goverment, one of the big voices in this movemnet was Rthur Goldberg. -
the formation of the National Organization for Women
The womens movment began with the formation of the National Organization for Women in 1966 where women fought against gender discrimination in the workplace, schools, and abortion rights. -
The Brown Berets
The organization known as the Brown Berets were one of the most militant of the chicano movement. They protested police brutality in East Los Angeles as well as protecting other demonstrators from the police. -
Summer of Love
The summer of 1967 in San Fransisco was known as the summer of love. This was the height of what the hippies called the dawning of a new era of love and peace however conflicts arose with the lack of structure. Drug addiction, lack of financial support and the attraction of sinister individuals such as Charles Manson all were present during this period. -
American Indian Movement
The AIM movement strived to achieve economic independence, a renewal of traditional culture, and better education for Indian children. -
Nixon is elected President
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was a space shuttle mission taking Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to ever walk on the moon. -
SALT I Talks
Nixon met with the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow to discuss the limitation of arms building. They reached a treaty known as the ABM treaty. This put strict limitations of the building of missle systems. -
Roe v. Wade
This highly contravaersial Supreme Coart case covered the issue of abortion. Supporters argured that gender equality could not be reached untill women could control when and weather they had children and other health concerns were brought up due to back ally abortion practiciners. The decition ruled it illegal for state law to ban abortion. -
Oil Embargo
Many countries in the middle east dissaproved of the United States and enacted an oil embargo meaning they refused to ship oil to the U.S. -
Watergate Scandle
In order to ensure victory in the upcoming re-election of Nixon, the commitee to re-elect the president paid five burglers to break into the democratic national headquarters to steal documents and bug the rooms with listening devises. The cover up of Watergate is where the scandle occured and an investigation shortly followed. -
Nixon Resigns From Office
Following the Watergate scandle and the information revealed that Nixon had been recording all the conversations and destroyed evidence of his knowlege of Watergate, the people were outraged and impeachement proceedings ensued. Nixon became the first president to ever resign from office. -
Gerald Ford Elected President
Equal Rights Amendment
From 1972 through 1977, 30 states ratified the ERA however it required 38 states to completly enstate the ERA. Later some states recended their ratification due to a large conservative opposition to the ERA. The largest area of support came from the feminist movement of the 70's. -
Jimmy Carter Elected President
Camp David Accords
The Camp David Accords would be Carters Greatest foreign policy achievemnet, it was focused on the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Egypt. THe accords made a treaty between leaders Sadat and Begin. -
Soviets Invade Afghanistan
The goverment in Afghanistan was taken by a Coup and not long after the Soviets invaded in order to maintain order in this new and unstable goverment. -
This second treaty between the U.S. and the Soviet Union known as SALT II focused on limiting certain types of nuclear weapons. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
Following the overthrough of the Irani goverment, the new leader, Khomeini, entered the U.S. to get treatment for cancer, the ani-American, people of Iran were outraged and invaded a U.S. embassy taking the people inside hostage. Carter attempted to negotiate and to sent a military resque mission however both of these efforts failed. -
Supply Side Economics
Reganomics, or Regan's economic theorys were based on a type of economics kniown as supply side economics. This was primarily focused on tax cuts and stimulating buisnesses which might in turn stimulate investment therefore boosting the economy. -
Regan was elected president
Strategic Defence Initiative
Regan began to work on a new defensive weapon that was nicknamed star wars because it proposed a defensive shield from space to protect the U.S. from missles. -
Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev was the new leader of the Soviet Union who suceeded Brezhnev in 1985. He was much more rational and was able to come to many agreements with Regan -
Iran-Contra affair
Following a congressional ban on funding a group known as the Contras, the national security advisor pursuaded Regan to send weapons to Iran violating an arms embargo as well as Reagan's policy not to negotiate with terrorists, this was all in effort to free hostages from Lebanon. The affair started when Colenel Oliver North diverted funds secretly to the contras and it was revealed to congress in 1986. They then traced it back up to Regan's authorization of the weapons. -
INF treaty
Gorbachev and Regan had many meetings to discuss a treaty focussing on arms reduction and in 1988 the INF treaty was ratified, this stated that eache country had to destroy an entire class of missiles as well as over 2,500 other missiles. -
George Bush Sr. Elected president
the fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was a symbol of Soviet Communism and even though the people desperatly wanted to be free of it the wall remained untill 1989 when the goverment hoped to calm protests, knocked down the Berlin Wall. -
Soviet Empire Collapse
When speech became more free and the soviet union began to reform the goverment, it became clear that the people were ready for change and many revolutions took place, most of which were peacefull. Elections began to take plae and it became clear that the soviet empire was crummbleing. -
Persian Gulf War
When Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait the U.S. responded by issuing sanctions and building a multinational military force to drive out the Irani troops however when they remained defiant, the U.S sent in troops to restore the power to Kuwait. -
Operation Dessert Storm
Operation Dessert Storm was a war fought in strange dessert conditions where missles and bombs were launched from hundreds of miles away. This was not the last conflict with Irag and the U.S. -
Tiananmen Square Massacre
During a peaceful protest in Tiananmen Square China, tanks rolled up to the protest. A great scene was made when a man stood in front of the tanks however this didnt last and the tanks rolled forward and opened fire killing unarmed people including women and children.