Chapters 10-12

  • 5 Events of 1789

    Constitution formally put into effect
    Judiciary Act of 1789
    Washington elected as president
    French Revolution begins
    Declaration of the rightd of man (french)
  • Census

    First official census
  • 4 Events of 1791

    Bill of rights adopted
    Vermont becomes fourteenth state
    Bank of the US created
    Excise tax passed
  • Haitian Revolution

    Toussaint L'Ouverture launches Haitian revolution
  • Washington

    Washington reelected president
  • Period: to

    Federalists & Demorcratic Republicans

    Federalists & Demorcratic Republican parties formed
  • 4 Events of 1793

    Louis XVI beheaded; radical phase of french revolution
    France declares war on Britain and Spain
    Washingtons Neutrality Proclamation
    Citizen Genet affair
  • 3 Events of 1794

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    Jays Treaty with Britain
  • 2 Treaties

    Treaty of Greenville: Indians cede Ohio
    Pinckneys Treaty with Spain
  • Washington

    Washingtons farewell address
  • Adams & XYZ Affair

    Adams becomes president
    XYZ Affair
  • Alien & Sedition acts

    Alien & Sedition acts
  • Period: to

    Virginia & Kentucky

    Virginia & Kentucky resolutions
  • Period: to


    Undeclared war with France
  • Convention

    Convention of 1800: peace with france
  • Jefferson

    Jefferson defeats Adams for presidency
  • Judiciary Act

    Judiciary act of 1801
  • Period: to


    Naval war with Tripoli
  • 2 Events of 1802

    Revised Naturalization Law
    Judiciary act of 1801 repealed
  • 2 Events of 1802

    Marbury vs. Madison
    Louisiana Purchase
  • 3 Events of 1804

    Haiti emerges as first independent black republic
    Jefferson reelected as president
    Impeachment of Justice Chase
  • Period: to

    Lewis & Clark

    Lewis & Clark expedition
  • 3 Events of 1805

    Peace treaty with Tripoli
    Battle of Trafalgar
    Battle of Austerlitz
  • Period: to

    Pikes Exploration

    Pikes Exploration
  • Burr

    Burr treason trial
  • 2 Events of 1807

    Chesapeake Affair
    Embargo Act
  • Madison

    Madison elected president
  • Non Intercourse

    Non intercourse act replaces embargo act
  • 3 Events of 1810

    Macons Bill No. 2
    Napolean announces (falsely) repeal of blockade decrees
    Madison reestablishes non importation against britain
  • Fletcher vs. Peck

    Fletcher vs. Peck ruling asserts right of supreme court to invalidate state laws deemed unconstitutional
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
  • Venezuela

    Venezuela declares independence from spain
  • US

    US declares war on Britain
  • US & Madison

    US declares war on Britain
    Madison reelected president
  • Period: to


    American invasions of canada
  • Battles

    Battle of Thames
    Battle of Lake erie
  • 5 Events of 1814

    Battle of Horshoe Bend
    Napolean exiled to Elba
    British burn washington DC
    Battle of Plattsburgh
    Treaty of Ghent signed ending war of 1812
  • Period: to

    Convention & Congress

    Hartford Convention
    Congress of Vienna
  • 2 Events of 1815

    Battle of New Orleans
    Napoleans army defeated at waterloo
  • 4 Events of 1816

    Second bank of US founded
    Protectionist Tariff of 1816
    Argentina declares independence from spain
    Monroe elected president
  • 2 Events of 1817

    Rush Bagot agreement limits naval armament on Great lakes
    Madison vetoes internal improvements bill
  • 3 Events of 1818

    Jackson invades florida
    Chile, in rebellion since 1810, declares independence from spain
    Anglo american convention
  • 4 events of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    Spain cedes florida to US in Adams onis Treaty
    McCulloch vs. Maryland
    Dartmouth college vs. Woodward
  • 4 Events of 1820

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri and Maine admitted to Union
    Land act of 1820
    Monroe reelected
  • Vs & Austria

    Cohens vs. Austria
    Austria intervenes to crush popular uprising in italy
  • France & Monroe Doctrine

    France intervenes to surpress liberal government in spain
    Secretary Adams proposes Monroe Doctrine
  • Vs. & Treaty

    Russo-American Treaty
    Gibbons vs. Ogden
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal finished