Nov 22, 600
The Olmecs end
The strongest settlement of early americans established in Mexico by the Olmecs at 600 A.D -
Nov 23, 1477
Marco polo
Marco Polo's book was published, which was about the great land of china and the wealth -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus and the great continents
The day Columbus had landed on American soil. With his crew thinkin that it was land of the indians -
Jamestown was established
When english settler came and found Virginia , and afterwards called it Jamestown for a while. -
duke of york
the duke of york gave WilliamPenn a region known today as delware -
british preparing for war
major general edward braddick was appointed commander in chief of the british army in America. -
final stages of war
the british won the battke againist france, montcalm and wolfe were both killed.france surrenderedin 1760 -
Period: to
chapter 1-8
The Toltecs
The Toltecs ruled a strong civilization in the mexicans highlands