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Chapter 8 and 9

By Carynna
  • 500 BCE

    Yamuto comes ch.9 AD 500

    Yamoto comes and ruled most of japan
  • 220

    Hang dynasty ends AD 200

    The hang dynasty came to a end in AD 200 and the country collasped into sepreate kingdoms
  • 300

    Yayui people come to japan Ch.9 AD 300

    A group of people came to japan to plant
  • 500

    Taika Ch.9 AD 500

    Since japan was divided the yamato began Taika
  • 590

    Grand canal AD 590

    Grand canal AD 590
    Yangdis most ambitious project was the grand canal this system of waterways connected chinas two great rivers
  • 690

    Empress Wu AD 690

    Empress Wu AD 690
    Wu won the respect of the people because of her ability to rule and her determation to make china stronger
  • 770

    Koryo Ch.9 AD 770

    Koryo Ch.9 AD 770
    Koryo unites with korea in japan
  • 800

    Chinese Ch.9 AD 800

    The chinese put a stop to the vietnams
  • 868

    Earliest book printed AD 868

    The book called diamond sutha was printed
  • 1211

    Genghis Khan AD 1211

    Thousands of mongols horsemen invaded china in three years they conqureded of all north china
  • 1231

    Mongols Ch.9 AD 1231

    Mongols Ch.9 AD 1231
    The mongols invaded japan twice both had violent storms
  • 1421

    Emperor yung le AD 1421

    Emperor yung le AD 1421
    He moved north of beiljing and there he built imperial city