Chapter 7/12 timeline

  • 13,000 BCE

    Prehistoric hunters arrived in what today is known as Alaska

    Prehistoric hunters arrived in what today is known as Alaska
    People: Prehistoric Hunters/
    Place: Alaska/
    Pg. 154
  • 400 BCE

    The Olmec built what may be the oldest civilization in Mesoamerica

    The Olmec built what may be the oldest civilization in Mesoamerica
    People: The Olmec / Place: the Gulf of Mexico / pg. 158
  • 400 BCE

    The city Teotihuacan was built by the inland group that overthrew the Olmec

    The city Teotihuacan was built by the inland group that overthrew the Olmec
    People: The Olmec and an inland group of people / Place: the Gulf of Mexico / Pg. 159
  • 750

    The Maya ruled throughout the Yucatan Peninsula.

    The Maya ruled throughout the Yucatan Peninsula.
    People: the Maya / Place: the Yucatan Peninsula / pg. 159
  • 950

    The Toltec conquered much of Mexico and Northern Central America

    The Toltec conquered much of Mexico and Northern Central America
    People: The Toltec / Place: Mexico and Northern Central America / pg. 160
  • 1300

    The Aztecs took control of territory once controlled by the Toltec

    The Aztecs took control of territory once controlled by the Toltec
    People: The Aztecs / Place: Mexico and Northern America / pg. 160
  • 1420

    Prince Henry´s adventurers sailed along the west coast of Africa

    Prince Henry´s adventurers sailed along the west coast of Africa
    People: Prince Henry´s adventurers / Place: Africa´s west coast / pg. 324
  • 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias sailed to the southern tip of Africa

    Bartolomeu Dias sailed to the southern tip of Africa
    People: Bartolomeu Dias / Place: Africa´s southern-most tip / pg. 324
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus sailed to Northern America, but was trying to reach Asia.

    Christopher Columbus  sailed to Northern America, but was trying to reach Asia.
    People: Christopher Columbus and his sailors / Place: North America / pg. 325
  • 1502

    Amerigo Vespucci decided that Columbus had not reached Asia but a ¨new world.¨

    Amerigo Vespucci decided that Columbus had not reached Asia but a ¨new world.¨
    People: Amerigo Vespucci / Place: North and South America / pg. 326
  • 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan left port to sail around the world.

    Ferdinand Magellan left port to sail around the world.
    People: Amerigo Vespucci and crew / Place: the ocean / pg. 327
  • 1519

    Hernando Cortés, along with other tribes and his conquistadors, defeat the Aztecs.

    Hernando Cortés, along with other tribes and his conquistadors, defeat the Aztecs.
    People: Hernando Cortés, conquistadors, the Aztecs / Place: Mexico and Northern Central Americo / pg. 329