

  • 500

    Event #1 Pg 152

    Event #1 Pg 152
    Mayan Cities flourish in Mesoamerica
  • 1100

    Event #2 Pg 153

    Event #2 Pg 153
    Inca found city of Cuzco
  • 1325

    Event #3 Pg 153

    Event #3 Pg 153
    Aztecs build Tenochtitlan
  • 1400

    Event #4 Pg 153

    Event #4 Pg 153
    Aztec Empire reaches it´s peak
  • 1420

    Event #5 Pg 320

    Event #5 Pg 320
    Portugal begins mapping coast of Africa
  • 1438

    Event #6 Pg 153

    Event #6 Pg 153
    Pachacuti builds Inca Empire
  • 1488

    Event #7 Pg 321

    Event #7 Pg 321
    Dias of Portugal sails around Africa´s southern dip
  • 1492

    Event #8 Pg 321

    Event #8 Pg 321
    Columbus reaches the Americas
  • 1520

    Event #9 Pg 321

    Event #9 Pg 321
    Magellan's expedition sails around the world
  • 1533

    Event #10 Pg 321

    Event #10 Pg 321
    Pizzarro conquers the Inca
  • 1570

    Event #11 Pg 153

    Event #11 Pg 153
    Eastern Woodland People form the Iroquois Confederation
  • Event #12 Pg 321

    Event #12  Pg 321
    Dutch begins Asian spice trade