Period: to
Billy Pilgrim
1: Billy at age of 12 at Grand Canyon
2: Billy at Carlsbad Caverns at age of 12
3: Billy's father's funeral
4: Billy at German Prison
5: Billy sleeping in the Englishmen's hospital within the prison
6: Billy dreaming while on morphine
7: Billy waking up in the prison hospital during the night
8: Lazzaro brought to hospital, German major relationship with Englishman
9: Billy in a veterans’ hospital near Lake Placid, New York.
10: Valencia visiting Billy in the ward and Billy's fascination of science fiction.
11: Billy and Valencia's honeymoon
12: Billy used as the display for humans at the Trafalmadorian zoo
13: Billy meets Montana Wildhack in the Trafalmadorian zoo
14: Billy’s daughter Barbara realizes that her father truly needs help
15: Billy going back to work