Chapter 4 Part 1: Politics

  • The referendum on sovereignty-association

    Pages 288-289 and documents 4-6
  • The patriation of the Constitution

    Pages 289, document 7 and "Take Note!" on page 290
  • Bill C-31 and reform of Indian Status

    Page 295
  • Recognition of Indigenous nations by Quebec

    Page 296 and document 18
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Pages 290-291 and documents 8, 9.
  • Bélanger-Campeau Commission

    Pagae 291
  • The Oka Crisis

    Page 296
  • The Allaire Report

    Page 291
  • The Charlottetown Agreement

    Page 292
  • The referendum on sovereignty

    Pages 292-293, documents 11-13 and Spotlights on Brian Mulroney (p292) and Jacques Parizeau (p293)
  • The Paix des Braves

    Page 298 and document 20
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    Page 299 and documents 21-23