
Chapter 4: Every Day A Festival

  • Schools as Seasonal Activities

    Schools as Seasonal Activities
    Early 19th century schools in North America were seen as a "seasonal activity." Boys would go to school when the farm work decreased, mainly in the winter. Girls would attend school during the summer. At the rise of industrialization, school hours were more regulated to keep children busy while their parents went to work in the factories
    This link examines 11 ways school was much different for children in the 1800s.
  • Henry Turner Bailey is born

    Henry Turner Bailey is born
    Henry Turner Bailey, artist and educator, was born in North Scituate, Massachusetts. Bailey attended the Massachusetts Normal Art School for free, as a resident. He went on to be involved in many school art programs, including director of the Chautauqua Summer School of Arts and Cleveland School of Arts. He edited "School Arts," a published school arts resource book for teachers, from 1903-1917.
    More on H.T. Bailey and his many accomplishments
  • Aesthetic Appreciation

    In the early 1890s, decoration of classrooms was a popular phenonium. The decoration aesthetic was often based on renaissance style.
  • Environmentalism

    The belief that material environment played a factor into ones soul. Nineteenth century teachers believed freshly painted classrooms, desks placed in an orderly fashion, and banners/art hanging on the walls would help students naturally exhibit order and virtue. Example:
  • Period: to

    School Arts

    School Arts is a published resource book of classroom art activities. These books are used by teachers to implement art activities that motivate students and allow teachers to instruct them in a festive atmosphere. They also aided teachers in bringing history and symbolism into their instruction. These books included many activities involving recent or upcoming holidays, the change of seasons, and the beauty of everyday life.
    More School Arts history:
  • Holidays and Art (

    By the early 20th century, holiday inspired arts were becoming more common in the classroom. Holiday art balanced the emphasis on academic work. They also provided teachers with an interesting activity that would not only excite their students but improve their artistic abilities. Holiday art "epitomized school art" (p. 75) by making art enjoyable for students, simple enough to be taught without special training, and practical for short class periods.
    History of holiday art linked above.
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    The Pageant Movement

    This movement was formed to bring communities and classes together through a performing media. Many performances were based on historical events, holidays, or social change.
  • Article in School Arts

    School Arts issued 3 articles relating to classroom decoration, one suggestion from Fred H. Daniels was to establish restful colors in the classroom and more cheerful colors in the hallway