Unit 1 Timeline (3)

By zfejes
  • Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution was the modernizing of factories and urbanizing of American cities. Category: Technology and Innovation.
  • Eli Whitney/Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney was the creator of the cotton gin, a simple machine that separated cotton and made it easier for cotton production. Category: Technology and Innovation.
  • Sectionalism

    sectionalism is when a certain section of the US thinks they are better than the other section. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Second Bank of the USA

    The Second Bank of the USA was shut down by Andrew Jackson and was the second national bank of America. Category: Economics.
  • nationalism

    Nationalism is national pride. Category: Society and Culture.
  • James Monroe

    Monroe was the 5th president of the USA and made the economy grow rapidly and sparked nationalism in the states. Monroe also wrote the Monroe Doctrine. Category: Society and Culture.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland was a court case that put the national government on the side of the national bank. Category: Domestic Policy.
  • Second Great Awakening

    The Second Great Awakening was the revival of religion in the US but this time with Protestantism and not Puritanism. Category: Religion.
  • Temperance Movement

    The Temperance Movement was the anti-alcohol movement. Women were very much involved in this reform movement. Category: Politics.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The missouri compromise was when missouri would enter the US as a slave state and Maine would enter as a free state. Category: Domestic Policy.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine was a document that stated that America was not an object for Europe. Category: Foreign Policy.
  • National Republicans

    National Republicans was founded by John Quincy Adams and was also known as the Anti-Jacksonian Party. Category: Politics.
  • John Quincy Adams

    Adams was the 6th president of the USA and was not popular in the states. Adams was also a US Senator, and member of the House of Representatives. He founded the National Republicans Party. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal was a canal in New York that connects the Hudson River to the Erie Lake. Category: Technology and Innovation.
  • Democratic party

    The Democratic party was founded by Andrew Jackson. They believed in slavery in the United States. Category: Politics.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Jackson was the 7th president of the USA and was a general in the War of 1812. He also sent thousands of Indians to travel a long way known as the Trail of Tears.He also shut down the Second National Bank. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Abolition Movement

    The Abolition Movement was the movement to abolish all slavery in America. Category: Politics.
  • Underground Railroad

    The underground railroad was the road that slaves would take to escape from slavery. It is not actually underground. Category: Geography.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Tubman was a slave that worked the underground railroad and helped many slaves escape. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act removed most Native Americans from the south east of the US. It was done by Andrew Jackson. Category: Domestic Policy.
  • Nat Turner

    Nat Turner was a slave who led the deadliest slave revolt in history.
    Category:Society and Culture.
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    Garrison was an abolitionist and founded the Anti Slavery Society. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Transcendentalism/Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Ralph Waldo Emerson helped with transcendentalism, meaning knowledge is found through intuition and spiritual experiences. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Martin Van Buren

    Van Buren was the 8th president of the USA and extended the 10 hour work day to many employees. He was president during the Panic of 1837. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears was the trail the Indians had to follow to get to their new land in Oklahoma. Many Indians died on the way there. Category: Geography.
  • Samuel Morse/ Telegraph

    Samuel Morse created the machine the telegraph that used Morse code to send messages all across America. Category: Technology and Innovation.
  • William Henry Harrison

    Harrison was the 9th president of the USA and was a military officer and principal contributor in the War of 1812. Category: Society and Culture.
  • John Tyler

    Tyler was the 10th president of the USA. He became president after the death of William Henry Harrison. John Tyler helped with the annexation of Texas at the end of his presidency. He also set the border between Maine and Canada. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Douglass was a slave that escaped to the north and became an eloquent speaker and abolitionist. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny was the thought that Americans are justified to expand the US. Category: Society and Culture.
  • James Polk

    Polk was the 11th president of the USA and approved the texas annexation while in office.Before becoming president he was the 13th Speaker of the House of Representatives. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Mexican American War

    The Mexican American War was a dispute between the US and Mexico over the land of New Mexico and California and its border. Category: Politics.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The treaty helped end the Mexican American War and gave the US the land of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. Category: Foreign Policy.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's convention for women's rights. Category: Politics.
  • Zachary Taylor

    Taylor was the 12th president of the USA and and was a general in the Mexican American War. He led the nation during the early debates about slavery. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Santa Fe Trail

    The Santa Fe Trail was a trail that led from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Category: Geography.
  • The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail was a 2,000 mile long trail that stretched from Independence, Missouri to the Oregon country. Category: Geography.
  • The Mormon Trail

    The Mormon Trail was a trail that went to the west for Mormons to find a safe place. Category: Geography.
  • The Know-Nothings

    The Know-Nothing Party also known as the American party, strongly opposed immigrants and Catholics. Category: Politics.