Nixon's Forgein Policy
In his inaugurl address, President NIxon promised to bring all Americans after the turmoil. He focused more on international relation such as promising to reduce theh tensions of the Cold War. -
Nixon's Economic policies
During the 1970's, the US economy dealt with a lot of economic slowdown and high inflation. Nixon tried to solve this problem by cutting federal spending. However, that would mean unemployment. -
Nixon created the VIetnamization in which his goal was to reduce the US involvement in the Vietnam war while also leaving the US with honor. He still however, provided aid for South VIetnam. He provided the weapons, money, and training needed for Vietnam to win the war. -
Bombing attacks
Nixon had ordered Kissinger to conduct a secret meeting with North VIetnam's foreign minister, Le Duc Tho. In 1972, Kissinger had announced that peace was at hand. However the peace did not last long because soon when Nixon adn Tho could not come to an agreement, then Nixon ordered a massive bombing of North Vietnam. Weeks later, North Vietnam agreed to an armistace. -
The Election of 1972
During the 1972 election, it was sure that NIxon would win the election again.
1. The foreign policy between China and the Soviet Union.
2. removal of George Wallace
3. The nomination of democrats.
And he did win -
New Federalism
Nixon created a new program called the Family Assistance plan in which instwead of it being the Johnson's Great Society, it would guarntee an annual income to all American families. -
Detente with China and the Soviet Union
The U,S took advantage of the rivarly between the two giant communists, Soviet Union and China. And so Nixon created the detente in which their goal was to reduce Cold War tensions. Nixon set up a meeting with Mao, Chinese leader, in which they negotiated. With the Chinese and US friendhip, the US used it to pressure the Soviet Union into creatign the SALT 1 -
This tragedy humiliated Nixon alot up to the point of having to jail 26 White House offificals. There had been no actua proff that NIxon had been invloved in these illegal activites. However later on it was proven that he had some type or relation. -
JImmy Carter's Presidency
JImmy Carter had a informal style. The day of his inaugural address, he had been seen walking to the white house instead of taking the limousine. He was seen carrying his own suitcases. Congress saw him as an outsider. -
Gerald Ford
When Nixon resigned he did not have the choice of who would take his place. And so Ford was popular and had been in congress for a long time and so he took the position.