111110 nixon7 ap 328

Chapter 29: Limits of a Superpower, 1969-1980

  • Period: to

    70s and 80s

  • Nixon is inaugurated as President

  • Apollo 11

    The U.S was able to land the first humans, Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldron, on the Moon.
  • Cambodia

    Nixon used U.S forces to invade Cambodia in an effort to destroy Vietnamese Communist bases, leading to protests in the U.S.
  • Economic Policies

    Nixon imposed a 90 day wage and price freeze, and taking the dollar off of the gold standard.
  • Detente

    detente was a phrase for deliberate reductions in Cold War tensions by the Nixon Administration. This was done by Nixon visiting Bejing to meet with Mao Zedong and the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT) between the U.S and USSR.
  • Watergate

    After the Watergate scandal occurred, it was revealed that the Nixon administration had conducted a series of illegal activities to protect the administration and "national security". Nixon was accused of covering up the scandal and obstruction of justice, and later resigned the presidency. At a time when many people were unsatisfied the U.S government and its policies, Watergate revealed many dirty secrets about the executive branch and its actions.
  • Vietnam Armistance

    North Vietnam and the U.S agreed to an Armistance in which the U.S would withdraw all of its troops and war prisoners from Vietnam, effecrively ending the Vietnam war for the U.S.
  • Nixon Resigns, Gerald Ford is sworn in as President

  • U.S policy in Southeast Asia

    After the fall of Saigon, Vietnam became one country ruled under Communism. Also in 1975, the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia and commtted a genocide against million of its people.
  • Jimmy Carter becomes President

  • Iranian Hostage Crisis

    After the Iranian Revolution, Íranian militants siezed the U.S embassy and 50 U.S prisoners and hostages.