The Election of 1960
President Kennedy was the Democratic candidate for president and had his vice president as Lyndon Johnson. He used the telivison to his advantage by using strong debating skills and natural confidence. He was 43, one of the youngest candidates, and won the election by a 100 thousand popular vote. He ran against Nixon. -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was created in 1961 as a response to Soviet demands that the U,S oull their troops from Belin. The wall was a long lasting representation of the tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States. It remained until 1990 when it was demolished. -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Soviet Union was caught attempting to place underground missiles in Cuba. This was the first time that nuclear missiles were in direct contact to the United States. As a result, Kennedy threatened a nuclear war if the Soviets did not remove the missiles. A compromise was made and the U.S removed some of their missiles in Turkey and agreed to not invade Cuba for Soviet missile removal. -
Student Movements
The 1960s saw an increase in student led uprisings in several colleges. Student led protests ranged from attacking the Vietnam war to protesting University rules against drinking anf dorm visits by the opposite gender. The Students for a Democratic Society also demanded that students have a voice in policies that would affect them. -
March On Washington
One of the most successful civil rights movements. Over 200 thousand people took part in a peacful march to Washington. It was followed King's "I have a Dream" speech. -
Kennedy's Assasination
Kennedy was assassinated on live telivision. Conspiracies arose as to why this happened and who was responsible. Lyndon Johnson took office and won the 1964 election. His goals were to retain Kennedy's policies through the Great Society programs, which focused on citizen relief. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
In 1964, a law was enacted that made it illegal to segragate in public facilities. This also set up the Equal Emolyment Oppurtunity Commissions to end discrimination on employment. -
March to Montgomery
Known as "Bloody Sunday" several protestants attempted to have a peaceful march in Selma, Alabama to gain voting rights. They were met with violence, beatings, and tear gas. Pictures telivised caused congress to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but it encouraged extremists to fight back with violence. -
Tet Offensive
During the Lunar Year, the Vietkong led a surprise attack on all of capital U.S bases in South VIetnam. Although the U.S provided successful resistance, the attack had a negative connotation in the United States. This attack caused the general public to go against the Vietnam war over the violence and tensions between Vietnam and the U.S -
Election of 1968
During the presedential election, Kennedy's younger brother, Robert Kennedy decided to run for president. He was killed on June 5 1968 leaving Nixon, George Wallace, and Hubert Humphrey to run for president. Nixon won 57% of the popular vote. -
Warren Courts and Individual rights
From 1953 to 1969, Eakr Warren was the cheif justice of the supreme court. He defended several individual rights such as providing a state defendent for the poor, required the police to state of the right to remain silence, and ruling of the Escobedo to include the right to a lawyer when questioned by the police. -
Vietnam War of 1969
In the VIetnam war, it lasted fifteen years and had 2,8 million U,S troops stationed in Vietnam with the death of 58 thousand troops.This was dependent on guirella warfare and provided large controversey back at home in students who wanted to provide aid to internal problems. It took up the majority of Johnson's term as president.