Chapter 27 Online Assignment

By rbhatt2
  • A New World Order

    A New World Order
    All of the sudden changes in the world caused President H.W. Bush to speak of the upcoming New World Order. This was his first major foreign policy he established. He sent troops to Panama to overtake the government there, as well as the General named Manuel Antonio Noriega. This General became involved in an international drug trade, and he was once allies with the US. The US created a new government in Panama and convicted Noriega of drug charges.
  • The Continuing Rights Revolution

    The Continued power of the Rights Revolution led to the making of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This act prohibited discrimination in hiring and promotion against people with disabilities and required that entrances to public buildings be redesigned to ensure that certain people are able to enter.
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War
    The Gulf War started when Iran invaded and annexed Kuwait, an oil-rich sheikdom that layed on the Persian Gulf. Bush sent troops to defend the country from Iran, as they were allies that supplied oil to the US.
  • Cultural Conservatism

    Cultural Conservatism
    Immigration covered just one front, which became known as the Culture Wars. These were battles over moral values that were controversial in the 1990s. The cultural conservatives that participated in these wars were not satisfied with particular acts that seemed like victories, such as the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996. This act barred gay couples from spousal benefits that were provided by federal law.
  • Clinton in Office

    Clinton in Office
    After Clinton became president in 1993, he implemented many different topics as president. He appointed several blacks and women into his cabinet. He modified the military's ban on gay soldiers, and he instituted a policy named "Don't ask don't tell" which made officers not seek out gays that were in the military. He also shared with the US his passion for free trade. In 1993, he made the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), negotiated by Bush which created a free-trade zone.
  • The Balkan Crisis

    The Balkan Crisis
    The Balkan Crisis sprung about 80 years after the Balkan Wars in 1912-1913. Yugoslavia, a multiethnic state in southeastern Europe had ethnic conflicts. Ethnic cleansing was the term used for forcible expulsion from an area of a certain ethnic group. By the end of 1993, more than 100,000 Bosnians had perished.
  • Clinton and World Affairs

    Clinton and World Affairs
    Clinton's primary political interests consisted of mainly domestic affairs, not international ones. In 1993, Clinton negotiated in Oslo, Norway, where Israel was recognized for the first time for the legitimacy of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The Oslo Accords were supported by Clinton heavily. Clinton also found it difficult to see that America does nothing towards conflicts in other nations, such as the Rwandan Genocide.
  • The Freedom Revolution

    The Freedom Revolution
    For the first time since the 1950s, Republicans won control of both of the houses in Congress. They named this the "Freedom Revolution". Newt Gingrich, a conservative congressman, devised a platform called the Contract With America. This contract promised to give the citizens an eye on the government, as it cut back taxes, and economic and environmental regulations, overhaul the welfare system and end affirmative action.
  • Globalization and its Discontents

    In December 1999, there was a gathering in Seattle to discuss the World Trade Organization (WTO). This 135-nation group was created 5 years before this to reduce barriers to international commerce and settle trade disputes. While Seattle was once a center of labor radicalism, it became best known as the home of Microsoft. This is because of the symbolized globalization that occurred in Seattle. This is the process of people, investment, goods, information, and culture expanding out of a nation.