Chapter 26

  • Nietzche publishes “On the Genealogy of Morals”

  • Freud Publishes “The Interpretation of Dreams”

  • Stravinsky writes the Rite of Spring

  • Rutherford splits the atom

  • Keynes publishes “The Economic Consequences of the Peace”

  • Bauhaus School Founded

  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

  • Wittgenstein writes on logical positivism

  • Eliot publishes “The Wasteland”

  • First Broadcast by the BBC

  • French and Belgian armies occupy the Ruhr

  • Dawes Plan Enacted

  • Germany joins the League of Nations

  • Heisenberg publishes “The Uncertainty Principle”

  • Kellogg-Briand Act

  • Faulkner publishes “The Sound and the Fury”

  • Great Depression

  • The Nazi’s take power in Germany

  • Roosevelt starts the New Deal

  • Formation of the Popular Front in France