Chapter 24

  • Muhammad Ali modernizes Egypt

  • First Opium War

  • Treaty of Nanking

  • The Taiping Rebellion

  • Matthew Perry opens Japan for trade

  • Second Opium War

  • The Sepoy Rebellion

  • Britain crushes Great Rebellion in India

  • Reign of Ismail in Egypt

  • Meiji Restoration in Japan

  • End of the Anglo-Zulu War

  • Berlin Conference

  • Ethiopia defeats Italy at the Battle of Adwa

  • US takes over the Philippines

  • Hundred day of reform in China

  • Battle of Omdurman

  • Samory Touré defeated by the French

  • Joseph Conrad publishes Heart of Darkness

  • Rudy hard Kipling writes “The White Man’s Burden”

  • South African War

  • The Boxer Rebellion

  • Hobson publishes Imperialism

  • Mani Maji Rebellion

  • Japan defeats Russia in the Russo-Japanese War

  • Japanese Invasion of Korea

  • A Republic replaces China’s Qing Dynasty

  • Most of Africa falls under European Rule

  • Panama Canal Opens

  • Russian expansion reaches Afghanistan