chapter 22

  • 300 BCE

    Aristotle explained the geocentric theory

    Aristotle explained the geocentric theory
  • 168

    Ptolemy supported the geocentric theory

    Ptolemy supported the geocentric theory
  • 1512

    Nicolas Copernicus reasoned the heliocentric theory

    Nicolas Copernicus reasoned the heliocentric theory
  • 1543

    Andres Vesalius published on the Fabric Of the Human body

    Andres Vesalius published on the Fabric Of the Human body
  • Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope

    Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope
  • the Baroque period began

    the Baroque period began
  • Galileo developed the law of the Pendulum

    Galileo developed the law of the Pendulum
  • Johannes Kepler published the first two laws of planetary motion

    Johannes Kepler published the first two laws of planetary motion
  • Francis Bacon published novum organum which encouraged the experimental method

    Francis Bacon published novum organum which encouraged the experimental method
  • Galileo was put under house arrest by an inquisition for supporting Copernicus theory

    Galileo was put under house arrest by an inquisition for supporting Copernicus theory
  • Rene Descartes published discourse on method which set fourth his reasoning

    Rene Descartes published discourse on method which set fourth his reasoning
  • Evangelista Torricelli developed the first mercury barometer

    Evangelista Torricelli developed the first mercury barometer
  • Thomas Hobbes published leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes published leviathan
  • William Harvey showed the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood thorughtout the body

    William Harvey showed the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood thorughtout the body
  • Robert Boyle created Boyels law

    Robert Boyle created Boyels law
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek saw red blood cells for the first time

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek saw red blood cells for the first time
  • Isaac newton publish his law on gravity

    Isaac newton publish his law  on gravity
  • John Locke explained his theory on natural rights

    John Locke explained his theory on natural rights
  • Mary astell wrote serious proposal to ladies

    Mary astell wrote serious proposal to ladies
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit made the first thermometer

    Gabriel Fahrenheit made the first thermometer
  • Francois- Marie Arouet changed his name to Voltaire and goes on to champion individual freedoms

    Francois- Marie Arouet changed his name to Voltaire and goes on to champion individual freedoms
  • Andres Celsius created a scale for the mercury thermometer

    Andres Celsius created a scale for the mercury thermometer
  • Denis Diderot published the first volume of the encyclopedia

    Denis Diderot published the first volume of the encyclopedia
  • The enlightened despot, Fredrick II, began his rule on Persia.

    The enlightened despot, Fredrick II, began his rule on Persia.
  • Montesquieu published spirt of laws

    Montesquieu published spirt of laws
  • Marie Therese Geoffrin held her first salon of philisophers

    Marie Therese Geoffrin held her first salon of philisophers
  • The classical period began

    The classical period began
  • emilie du chatalet translated newtons work from latin to french

    emilie du chatalet translated newtons work from latin to french
  • The enlightenment despot, Kathrine the great, began her rule on russia

    The enlightenment despot, Kathrine the great, began her rule on russia
  • jean Jacques Rousseau wrote the social contact

    jean Jacques Rousseau wrote the social contact
  • Cesare beccaria published on crimes and punishments

    Cesare beccaria published on crimes and punishments
  • Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen

    Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen
  • Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence.

    Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence.
  • Antoine Lavoisier discovered and named gas oxygen

    Antoine Lavoisier discovered and named gas oxygen
  • The enlightenment despot, Joseph II, began his rule of Austria

    The enlightenment despot, Joseph II, began his rule of Austria
  • The U.S enacted the constitution

    The U.S enacted the constitution
  • The U.S congress added the bill of rights.

    The U.S congress added the bill of rights.
  • Marry wollstonecraft wrote a vindication of the rights of women

    Marry wollstonecraft wrote a vindication of the rights of women
  • Edward Jenner introduced a vaccine to prevent small pox

    Edward Jenner introduced a vaccine to prevent small pox