chapter 21

  • Period: to


    the post french and industrial revolution thought that people should be free from as much restraint as possible. this time included Laissez-faire economics. this relyed on supply and demand, and no gov interference. politically it meant equality under the law. this inspired the bill of rights and other suffrage movements.
  • Period: to


    a time with an emphasis on emotion and inner feelings. this birthed a sense of individualism ( which was a liberal idea). Gothic architecture was a feature of this time period. Romantics used drugs to enhance their feelings. romanticism Brough out new artist, writers and musician
  • Ideology of Conservatism

    Ideology of Conservatism
    Metternich, Burke, and Maistre, all conservative thinks of the late 1700's, works showed the post-French revolution political climate. they wanted to restore order and political authority, organize religion, they were anti-revolution, supported community over the individual, and thought that a monarch was the proper way to rule.
  • Russian Tsars

    Russian Tsars
    Russia was rural, agricultural, and autocratic. Tsars were absolute monarchs, Russian was a little behind. AlexanderI was more enlightened. he relaxed censorship and gave some free speech. he reformed the educations system, but did not create a constitution or abolish serfdom. after Napoleon's defeat, he became more liberal.
  • The Revolt of Latin America

    The Revolt of Latin America
    Simon Bolivar helped to liberate Colombia and Venezuela from the weakened Spanish Bourbons. Jose de San Martin liberated Chile and Peru. The US and Britain protected Latin America from Europe with the Monroe Doctrine and the strong British navy.
  • The peace settlement

    The peace settlement
    Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia agreed to the Quadruple alliance. The alliance was established at eh Congress of Vienna. it restored the Bourbons to France.
  • Italian states and Spain

    Italian states and Spain
    congress of Vienne had split Italy into 9 states, being dominated by Austria. Ferdinand VII was put on the throne and disregarded all constitutional progress. he was overthrown.
  • restoration of France

    restoration of France
    Louis XVII accepted the Napoleonic code. this was his way of addressing and recognizing what the french had gone through. he gained popularity, but some felt he did not do enough.
  • Corn law

    Corn law
    in an effort to help landowners to keep supplying locals the Tories placed a tax on foreign grain. this helped weak landowners but hurt the poor. this caused the peasant to lean toward the Whigs.
  • revival of religion (romanticism)

    revival of religion (romanticism)
    the catholic church was strengthened with romanticism. the protestant region offers an individual relationship with God. hellfire preachers were comman in the US.
  • Germany

    Congress of Vienna established the German confederation as 28 states. Prussia was the most liberal. they abolished serfdom and expanded education
  • Peterloo massacre

    Peterloo massacre
    protests against the corn tax imposed on the poor lower class were meet with the military. the British military killed 11. parliaments reaction was to limit protesting and freedom of speech
  • intervention

    an agreement that gave the great European Power the ability to send in armies to restore legitimate monarchs. this principle both assisted and ended revolutions.
  • Period: to

    Greek Revolt

    the Principle of intervention aided the Greek revolt against the ottoman empire. with the help of Britain and Russia, the Ottomans were weakened. the Treaty of Adrianople decide the fate of Greece, they were granted independence in 1830
  • police

    police forces were established throughout Europe to combat the high crime rates in the wake of revolts. in France, Serjeants were patrolling in blue uniforms. Bobbies were British volunteers who eventually were used to impose order on the working class. berlin established the Schutzmannschaft.
  • crime

    Crime was abundant during revolutions in Europe. police forces were established. some governments created workhouses so that it was unbearable to be unemployed. some believed poverty was a moral punnishment. they tried to teach a trade to make the poor more productive. and churches tried to convert people to make the morally better and not worth of poverty.
  • crime continued

    crime continued
    imprisonment rose as capital punishment fell. Britain decreased sending criminals to Australia. some reform was attempted. isolation in prisons became popular. the police, the church, the gov, and the prison keep people in poverty and did not help them to be successful in society.
  • whigs and Tories

    whigs and Tories
    the Tories were conservative, land-owning elites that governed Britain. Whigs were also land-owning elites but they gained support from the industrial middle calss.
  • French revolution 2.0

    French revolution 2.0
    a new revolution pushing liberal social beliefs. it spreads throughout Europe. with success in Britain, Charles X was elected. Britain's middle class was more supported, voting restrictions were decreased, but the lower class was still lacking representation.
  • other revolutions

    other revolutions
    Belgium, Italy, and the Polish attempted revolutions. with success, Belgium was recognized as an independent constitutional monarchy. Italy's revolt was crushed by Austria. And the Italian attempt to free from the oppressive Russian rule only caused greater repression.
  • French rev 3.0

    French rev 3.0
    Conservatism still ruler most of Europe. But liberalism and nationalism were still working to be accepted. corrupt gov and agricultural depression caused this rev. many protests and strikes led to a new constitution, and the establishment of the second republic.
  • Germanic rev

    Germanic rev
    the french rev inspired the german rev. rulers attempted compromise. with the intent to unify Germany the Frankfurt assembly was established, this was unsuccessful. they did abolish censorship and established a new constitution.
  • Austrain rev.

    Austrain rev.
    inspired by France, protests broke out hungry demanded, and were successful in getting a separate legislature. Military stomped out some protests, but it weakened Ferdinand I
  • Italian rev

    Italian rev
    after 1830 rev in Italy, Mazzini urged a unified Italy. rebellions resulted in a constitution and a call for liberation from Austria. Austria crushed rebellions, the only success was piedmonts constitution.
  • liberalism in US

    liberalism in US
    the US constitution supported nationalism and liberalism. the was disagreement over the power that the gov should have. although economic conservative the constitution has some liberalism, but not the execution of the constitution was not liberal, it was racist and sexist.