Chapter 21

  • Period: May 9, 1500 to

    chapter 21

  • May 9, 1566

    Philips fleet was defeated

    Angry protestant mobs swept through Catholic Churches
  • May 9, 1571

    Pople called on all Catholic princes to take arms

    the pope wanted them to take arms against the mounting power of the ottoman empire
  • Philip launched the Spanish Armada

    Attempted to punish Protestant England
  • representatives from many Russian cities met to choose the next czar

    They chose Michael Romanov
  • The Thirty Years' War begins

    lasted till 1648
  • Louis invaded the spanish Netherlands

    gained 12 towns
  • Charles signed Petition of Rights

  • Habeas Corpus was passed

    gave every prisoner the right to obtain a writ or document ordering that the prisoner be brought before a judge
  • Louis XIV cancelled the Edict of Nantes

    Protected the religious freedom of Huguenots
  • Parliament drafted a Bill of Rights

    limites the royal power
  • Pter the Great embarked on the Grand Embassy

    His goal was to learn about european customs and industrial techniques
  • Peter began building a new city

  • Treaty of Utrect was signed

    ended war of spanish succession
  • Maria Theresa succeeded her father

    just 5 months after Frederick II became king of Prussia
  • Seven Years War ended

    Didn't change the terrritorial situation in Europe