Chapter 2 Timeline

  • Women’s Right Convention at Seneca Falls

    This meeting launched the women’s suffrage movement which was the movement to ensure women the right to vote.
    At this convention the “Declaration of Sentiments” was read aloud. It said that all men and women were created equal and demanded the right to vote for women.
  • Period: to

    Jim Crow Era

    The Jim Crow era was a time when people practiced the separation of race. They segregated nearly everything from bathrooms to seats on buses.
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

    The progressive era was a time period where a large group of American people wanted a change in the way things were going in America.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

    He became president because the president before him, William McKinley, was assassinated. So, he assumed presidency.
  • Booker T. Washington Publishes “Up From Slavery”

    This was BTW’s autobiography. He was an active African American leader for an end to discrimination. He founded the Tuskegee Institute and believed that African Americans should gain respect and status by working their way up in society.
  • W.E.B. DuBois Established the Niagara Movement

    The Niagara movement was a movement for colored people who called for an end to discrimination, recognition of brotherhood, and full civil liberties.
  • Creation of the Food and Drug Administration

    The intended job of the FDA was to test foods and drugs that would be consumed by humans.
  • Passage of the Meat Inspection Act

    The meat inspection act prevented bad and unhealthy meat products from being sold as food and ensured that the meat is slaughtered and processed in clean good conditions.
  • Publication of the Jungle by Upton Sinclair

    The “Jungle” was written by Upton Sinclair about the devastating reality of meat factories and the life of immigrants. This book changed the view people had on these factories and ultimately made laws that forced food inspection before giving it to people. It also kicked off a big progressive movement to improve the working conditions in the factories.
  • 16th Amendment Ratified

    The 16th amendment created a federal income tax. It would be a progressive tax which out higher taxes on those with higher incomes and lower taxes on those with lower incomes.
  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft’s Presidency

    In the election of 1908, he defeated William Jennings Bryan.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company Tragedy

    It was a deadly disaster. A fire started on the 8th floor of the triangle shirtwaist company. Many of the exit doors were locked so none of the workers could escape. They either had to jump to their death or burn alive. It was one of the most deadly and devastating disasters in history.
  • 17th Amendment Ratified

    The 17th amendment allowed voters instead of state legislators to elect U.S. senators.
  • Woodrow Wilson Elected President

    He defeated Bull Moose in the election of 1912.
  • The Federal Reserve Act Established

    The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system for the U.S.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • 18th Amendment Ratified

    This amendment banned the sale and manufacture of alcohol. It was originally thought of to protect society from the poverty and violence associated with drinking but ended up to be very controversial.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    The 19th amendment granted women suffrage which was the right to vote.
  • Ratification of the 19th Amendment

    The ratification of the 19th amendment ensured that women all across the United States officially got the right to vote.
  • First National Election All American Women Could Vote