Feb 2, 1215
Mangna Carta
Oringially issued in the year 1215 reissued later in the 13th centry in modified verisons. The later verisons excluded the most direct challenges to the monarchs authority that had been present in the 1215 charter. -
Petition of Rights
the petition of rights linits the kings power in several ways it state that the king can no longer punish/imprison any but by a lawful judgment of his peers or law of the land. -
Englsih Bill of Rights
Formal summary of those rights and iberties considered essential to a people to a peopole or group of people. -
Albany Plan of Union
Proposed by Benjamin Franklin in Albany NY. -
Boston Massacure
Happend on march 5, when British army soldiers killed 5 civilan men. -
Boston Tea Party
Was a dirext action byu colonists in Boston, a twon in the Britsh colony of Massachusetts, against the British goevernment and the monoplistic East India company the controlled all the tea imported into the colonies. On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea Britian a group of colonist boarded the ship and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. -
First Continental Congress
Was a convention of detegates from twelve British North American colonies that met on September 5, 1774, at Capenters' Hall in Philadelpia Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution, it was called in response to the passage of the Corercive Acts. -
Second Continental Congress
Was a convention of delgegates from the thirteen colonies that started meeting on may 10 in Philadelphia soon after warfare in the American Revolutionary war had begun. -
Declaration of Indepence
A declaration of freedom from England. -
Articles Of Confederation
Was an agrement among th 13 founding states that legall estabilished the United States as a confederation of soveign states and served as a constitution. -
Shay's Rebellion
was an armed up spring that took place in central and western Massachusetts. -
Virginia Plan
was a proposal by Virgina delegates for a bicameral legislative branch the plan was drafted by James Madison while he waited for a quorm to assemble at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 -
Philadelphia Convention
called for revisions of the Articles of Confederation. Made of 55 men. -
New Jersey Plan
a plan that favored State Equality. So that larger States couldn't dominated voting Equal representation.