Leif Erickson: sponsored by the country of Scandinavia.
He is the first European to land in North America. He ends up landing on what is now present day Canada. -
Bartolomeu Dias: sailed for the country of Portugal
Sailed southward from Portugal and made it around the southern tip of Africa. He names the southern tip of Africa, "The Cape of Good Hope". -
Pedro Alvarez Cabral: sponsored by the country of Portugal.
He is known for landing in the country of Brazil in South America. He starts a settlement there for Portugal. -
Christopher Columbus: sponsored by the country of Spain.
Found the Caribbean Islands, northern South America, and Central America. -
John Cabot: sponsored by the country of England.
Sent to North America in search of the Northwest Passage. Landed on the coast of present day Newfoundland. -
Vasco Da Gama: was sponsored by the country of Portugal.
Sailed around the southern tip of Africa and found a complete sea route to Asia. -
Amerigo Vespucci: sponsored by Spain.
Explored South America. Figured out that South America was a separate continent from Asia. -
Juan Ponce de Leon: sponsored by the country of Spain.
Explored present day Florida in search of the fountain of youth. -
Vasco Nunez de Balboa: sponsored by the country of Spain.
He is known for landing in present day Panama and he is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. -
Hernan Cortes: sponsored by the country of Spain.
Defeated the Aztec empire in present day Mexico. Returned to Spain with their gold. -
Ferdinand Magellan: sponsored by the country of Spain.
Him and his crew circumnavigated the whole world by sea. -
Giovanni de Varrazano: sponsored by the country of France.
Was tasked with finding the Northwest Passage in North America. Explored the coast of North America from present day Nova Scotia down to the Carolinas. -
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca: sponsored by the country of Spain.
Led a Spanish expedition through what is now present day Florida. Also explored the Southwest part of North America in search of the Seven Cities of Gold. -
Francisco Pizarro: sponsored by the country of Spain.
He is known for defeating the Inca empire and taking their gold as well. They were found in the country of Peru. -
Jacques Cartier: sponsored by the country of France.
Sailed up the St. Lawrence River hoping it would lead to the Pacific Ocean. Discovered a mountain peak that is now Montreal. -
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado: sponsored by the country of Spain.
His travels took him through northern Mexico and present day Arizona and New Mexico. First European explorer to discover the Grand Canyon. -
Hernando de Soto: sponsored by the country of Spain.
Led an expedition through what is now present day Florida and the Southeastern part of what is now the United States. First explorer to lay eyes on the Mississippi River. -
Juan Cabrillo: sponsored by the country of Spain.
First to sight the land that is now present day California. -
Henry Hudson: sponsored by the country of the Netherlands.
Founded Hudson Bay. Discovered the Hudson River. Sailed on the Hudson River to present day Albany, New York. -
Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette: sponsored by the country of France.
Traveled along the Mississippi River looking for a path to lead to the Pacific Ocean. -
Robert Cavelier de La Salle: sponsored by the country of France.
He followed the Mississippi River all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. He claimed all the land for France and called it Louisiana. Founded the city of New Orleans.