First A-bomb dropped on Japan
On july 25, 1945 the U.S. military got an order that would change the rest of WW2 and change the course of History as we knew it. On August 6, a U.S aircraft would dropped off a new kind of bomb code named: "little boy," would ultimate change Japan forever. -
V-J day
On the day of this event America had a big sigh of relief and Japan had effictive immediately surrender and ended the War. So from then on that was what August 14 was know to be as. -
Communist takeover in China
Communism was starting to take a big role in the different parts of the world espicially China. A man named Mao Zedong went to different places all over China to start to recruit different peasants into joins in the Communists party. -
“Iron Curtain Speech”
`In Fulton, Missouri in 1946 Winston Churchill had made his famous "Iron Curtain Speech" about the Eastern Europe and how that a lot of the major citites that reside in the Eastern Europe are being taken over by the Soviet Union. He called it the Soviet Sphere. -
Potsdam Conference
Truman was about to test his leadership skills when headed to the Potsdam site to met up with the other to big powers of the World, The Soviet Union and Great Britian. The whole point of the meet up was to discuss there plans for Europe. -
Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference has a very high signacant because this is the area that the original big three powers had met up to discuss what they were going to do about the war in WW2. Now it was being used for the new big three to discuss what they are going to do about Eastern Europe. -
Truman Doctrine announced
While the United States were trying to contain the Soviet Union influence over the Greece and Turkey to make sure the Soviet start gaining more power. Truman decided to help out Greece and Turkey anyway he could by asking congress for $400 million dollars in economic and military aid, which would soon be later now as the "Truman Doctrine." -
Marshall Plan
In the Marshall Plan was basically another aid to help out all the other countries that had many casualties and had been severly damaged after WW2. So George Marshall came up with the Marshall Plan to provided 16 other countries with $13 billion dollars. -
NATO treaty ratified
As the Berlin blockade went on, it made the people over in Europe even more terrified that the Soviets could take over. As a results of this fear many countries in Europe including America formed a defensive military alliance called NATO. -
Berlin airlift begins
The situation between America, Great Britian and the Soviet Union was very delicate because the Soviet were trying to starve the people in West Berlin. So in order to give the people in West Berlin some support American and British agreed to fly over in West Berlin with food and supplies. -
End of Berlin Blockade
During the Berlin Airlift the West Berlin kept getting supplies. In addition America boosted prestige around the world, so it could help Berlin even more out in dealing with the Soivet. So the Soviet decide to drop the blockade for good. -
Soviets explode A-bomb
More and more people were being investgated for being believed to be spies for another country. During this time the American got a tip that someone told them that the Soviets had exploded an Atomic bomb. -
Beginning of McCarthyism
One of the most Famous anti-Communist activist was Senator Joseph McCarthy. Who took advantage of peoples concerns about Communist and he started to more unsupported claims. These claims became known as McCarthyism. -
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed
Spies were a little bit of a problem in America and it was even more difficult handling the sitution. On june, 1953 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for being believed to be spies working for the Soviet Union. -
Warsaw Pact
Even though that the allied power were trouble between themselves, but when Joseph Stalin death accured in 1953. The friendship between the allies were completing thawed. The Soviets became afraid and in that fear rows the "Warsaw Pact." -
Geneva Summit
Esienhower was going through a lot of difficult desicion during this years, another one of when he went on to Geneva Switzerland. Esienhower met up with the Soviets leader and made a proposal to them about guarding each other for a nuclear attack. -
Suez War
1955 was when the United States and Great Britian decide to help out Egypt finance construct the dam at Aswan on the Nile River. The head of the gov't Gamal Abdel-Nasser was trying to get the Soivets and Americans to play each other. In the it didn't really work out as he planned it would. -
Hungarian Uprising
The people in Hungary were starting a revolt againist Middle East and decide that they won't to be Democratic government from now on. The new leader Imre Nagy was determined to set the Soviets straight by making them leave Hungary. -
Launching of Sputnik
Soviets hadn't been the first in a lot of things, but they sure were the first in putting up the "Sputnik," which is what became known was space race. The satellite the sent up to space was 18,000 above earth. -
U.S. U-2 plan shot down
Eisenhower was like what the U-2 pilots were doing over in the Soviet area spying on the Soviet. When May 1, 1960 the Soviets shot one of the planes down and capture the pilot named Francis Gary Powers.