Treaty of Paris
Signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the USA -
US settles midway islands
US purchase of Alaska
Secretary of State William Seward agreed to a proposal from Russian Minister in Washington, Edouard de Stoeckl, to purchase Alaska for 7.2 million. -
First Cuban Rebellion
Period: to
Creation of the first nine steel-hulled cruisers
American occupation of Puerto Rico officially ends
Overthrow of Hawaiian Monarchy
The US wanted hawaii for the production of their sugar -
USS Maine Explodes
Exploded in Havana Harbor, killing 268 men and shocking the American populace -
Period: to
Cuba is a protectorate of the U.S.
Period: to
Cuba Libre Movement
cuba launched a second war for independence, more than half a century after the establishment of independent republics. -
Philippines become officially independent.
“Open Door” Policy introduced
The open door policy is a term in foreign affairs initially used to refer to the US policy established in the late 19th century and early 20th century. -
Period: to
Philippines revolt against U.S. control
War between the US and Filipino revolutionaries -
Period: to
Boxer Rebellion
Violent anti foreign, colonial, and christian uprising -
Panama Declares Independence
Hay-Herran Treaty was signed with Colombia, granting the US use of the Isthmus of Panama in exchange for financial compensation. -
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Panama Canal construction
President Roosevelt oversaw the realization of a long term US goal, Trans-isthmian canal. -
Period: to
The Treaty of Portsmouth and the Russo-Japanese War
Negotiations took place in August in Portsmouth. New Hampshire, Brokered in part by President Roosevelt -
Porfirio Diaz Overthrown
Porfirio Diaz osted from power and exiled in France, May 1911. Francisco I. Madero elected president of Mexico. -
U.S. fights with General Huerta’s Mexico
Guillaume Sam’s Massacres
Guillaume Same was President of Haiti. -
Period: to
U.S. Marines take over Haiti
President Wilson sent the US Marines into Haiti to restore order and maintain political and economic stability in the Caribbean -
General Pershing hunts Pancho Villa
Period: to
U.S. Marines take over Santo Domingo
Full citizenship rights for Puerto Ricans
The Jones-Shafroth Act was signed -
US leaves Haiti