Ottomans lay siege to Constantinople
The Sunni Dynasty in Africa begins
Martin Luther writes Ninety-Five Theses
Martin Luther wrote 95 theses. These theses were statements of belief attacking the church practices. He wrote the 95 theses in 1517 as a protest against the selling of indulgences, which he did not believe in. Luther put these theses on the door of the Catholic church and invited others to debate with him. -
Mogul ruler Bābur crosses Khyber Pass into India
Ottomans defeat Hungarians at Mohács
Act of Supremecy makes Henry VIII head of Church
Peace of Augsburg divides Christianity in Germany
After the Protestant Reformatiom, independent states beacame divided between Catholic and Protestant rulership. This issue becoming a huge rise in conflict. The Peace of Augsburg was signed and issued by Charles V. It ended the war between German Lutherans and Catholics. -
Akbar takes over Mogul Empire
French Wars of Religion
The French Wars of Religion was a period of war/tensions between Roman Catholics and Protestants. The center of these wars was religion conflicts. The Catholic kings persecuted Protestants, but after all of the persecutions there was no stop to Protestantism.The end of these wars was the Edict of Nates, issued by Henry IV. -
Ottoman Sultan Süleyman I Dies
Christian Alliance destroys Ottoman Fleet
England defeats the Spanish Armada
The Spanish Armada was a Spanish fleet of 130 ships, under leadership of the Duke of Medina Sidonia. King Philip II of Spain started the armada in hopes of removing Queen Elizabeth from throne and restoring the Roman Catholic religion in England. The Armada set sail, but was attacked by by England. After being attacked it then attempted going home, but was attacked again, but this time by Mother Nature. In the end this defeat brought national pride and was very important. -
Henry IV issues Edict of Nates
For 30 years battles rages in France. Henry IV came to throne and realized he needed it to stop. A main cause of issuing this Edict was the French Wars of Religion. Soon Henry IV issued the Edict of Nates. This edict recognized Catholicism as the official religion of France. -
Start of the Thirty Years War
Religion played a huge role in the start of the Thirty Years War. This war became known as the “last of the religious war”. But political and territorial issues were also part of the cause of this war. The war first kicked off in the Holy Roman Empire, involving a struggle between Catholic forces. Then Denmark, Sweden, and France joined in and the conflict soon became very political. All major European powers were involved in the war and destruction of Germany, except for England. -
Louis XIV beings Absolutist rule in France
After the crisises of the seventeenth century, people wanted to seek more stability by increasing monarchal power. This resulted in absolutism, which is a system where the ruler holds total power. The reign of Louis XIV soon became known as the best example of absolutism in the 17th century. Louis brought forth French culture, language, and manners reached all new levels of European society.