chapter 17 timeline

By 1316687
  • Harding

    was born in Ohio
  • Warren Harding

    gets elected to the Ohio general assembly
  • Model T

    Model T
    sold for 850$
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    creates the first assembly line
  • President Harding

    ran for president and won in the election
  • Andrew Mellon

    Andrew Mellon
    Convinced congress to create bureau of budget
  • The permanent court of international justice

    The united states refused to join
  • Charles Evans Hughes

    Charles Evans Hughes
    wanted new construction on war ships
  • Teapot dome

    Teapot dome
    was one of the most famous scandals
  • Harding death

    Harding becomes ill and has a heart attack
  • Calvin cool ridge

    Calvin cool ridge
    won republican nomination easily for president
  • Charles G. Dawes

    Charles G. Dawes
    negotiated an agreement between France Britain and Germany that American banks would make loans to Germany
  • Henry Ford

    cuts his workers days from 6 to 5 a week
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Lindbergh
    made an amazing transatlantic solo flight
  • Kellogg-Briand pact

    Kellogg-Briand  pact
    proposed a treaty to outlaw war