Chapter 16 Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Copernicus argued that the sun was the center of of the universe.

  • Feb 23, 1543

    Medical advances

    Andreas Vasalius and William Harvey make advances on the human body with detailed examinations and blood vessals.
  • Feb 23, 1580


    Antoni van Leeunwenhoek uses microscope to discover bacteria.
  • May 23, 1580


    Gottfried Liebnitz and Isaac Newton develop calculus.
  • Kepler publishes book

    Kepler publishes book proving copernicus's Heliocentic idea wass correct
  • Experiments

    Francis Bacon stated in his book Novum Organum that no assumptions could be trusted unless it was proven by repeatable results.
  • Galileo publishes findings

    Causes uproar for "contradicting" the bible.
  • New method of thinking

    Rene Descartes publishes Discourse on Method stating all assumptions had to be proven by fact
  • Gas

    Robert Boyle shows that temperature and pressure affect the space a gas occupies.
  • Newton proposes gravity.

    Described that objects are all actracted to a force called gravity.
  • Discovery of oxygen

    Joseph Priestly discovers oxygen and Antoine Lavoisier names it.