Jan 1, 1300
Aristotle changes views
Airistotle changed the views of people and started to look the stars and logic -
Feb 22, 1475
Stars and People!
they started looking at peoples bodies and advancements of medican and the stars for new advancements, but was not fully achived until much later -
Jan 1, 1500
Magic Vs Science
Europeans saw little differance between science and magic -
Feb 22, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus
His research and studies of anatomy, physics and astronomy were published and the people start to advance these areas. -
Feb 22, 1550
mathmatics and observation became huge and people started looking ino it more. -
new meaning of science
the word of science changed and people started to look to natural science instead of magic -
knowladge sysytem
Francis Bacon publishes "Nova Organum", dealing with his system of knowledge -
Advancing and testiing!
Two men Kepler and Galileo, test Copernicus' findings and advance math and science! New planets are found and people look to stars and view the world as a sphere! -
Galileo publishes astronomical findings and causes uproar -
More Books!
Rene Descartes publishes philosphical book "Discourse Method" -
More Science!
Isaac Newton publishes book that elaborates on Kelper, Copernicus, and Galileo's findings -
And GOD said let there be OXYGEN
Joesph Priestley discovers the element of oxygen