Chapter 14 timeline

  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    The missouri compromise was where the congress disagreed with the sectional and political enemies.they also made an imaginary line.The reason they decided to do this was because the northern half didn't want slaves while the southern did.And misour wanted to become a slave state.
  • wilmot proviso

    wilmot proviso
    Was a thing where they were trying to get rid of slavery.causing the mexican war that lasted 1846-1848.After this the president james polk received 2 million dollars for the treaty.If this law was passed any new land gained by the us would of been free land but this was not passed.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    5 separate bills that got passed by the congress congress would admit california as a free state the slave trade would be ended in washington dc texas give up claims for new mexico for 10 million dollars.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    Fugitive slave act took place in new york canada virginia and maryland in september 1850.congress was the main group that was involved in this subject.This happened because slaves were running away and they needed to catch them and bring them back to their owners this impacted history by sending innocent slaves to the south.the people were forced by law to report slaves no matter if they were free or not because could be in trouble with helping slaves.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    Uncle tom's cabin was written in 1852.The author of the book was harriet beecher stowe's.she wrote the book to tell people how bad slavery was abraham lincoln once told her you're the young lady who caused the war this changed the view on slavery.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas
    The kansas nebraska act bleeding kansas was in 1854. The kansas the nebraska act involved kansas nebraska pro slavery people and anti slavery people this was a fight to make kansas ana anti slavery or slavery government hoped kansas would be an anti slavery because they wanted to keep the states even.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    The dred scott case was in lasted from 1846 to 1857.the 1857 deccsion stunned the dession the us supreme court upheld slavery in united states terratories.denied the legal of black citzensjip in amercia and declared the misouri compermise to be unconstatutional.the slaves owner died.dred scott faught for jis freedombut than lost.
  • Lincoln Douglas debate

    Lincoln Douglas debate
    The lincoln douglas debate went from august 21st until october 16th the debate is steven douglas and abraham lincoln in face to face debates around the stare. Douglas wanted states to decide if they were gonna be a slave state or a non slave state abraham lincoln wanted slavery to stop and not spread to the west this impacted history by showing the 2 side of slavery and how people wanted different things
  • John Brown’s Raid

    John Brown’s Raid
    John brown's raid lasted october 16th 1859 the raid involved a white abolitionist john brown and 21 of his man john brown raid was in harpers ferry virginia his raid was an effort to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859.They wanted to promote people by killing people and most people didn't like him the north thought he was a good man south thought he was horrible.
  • Lincoln’s Election of 1860

    Lincoln’s Election of 1860
    Lincoln's election of 1860 was the second highest voting numbers of 82% the people who ran were lincoln douglas breckinridge and bell abraham lincoln is elected the 16vth president of the united states over a deeply divided democratic party becoming the the first republican to be the president lincoln won the electoral votes and some people thought he just got lucky after he got elected states in the south started leaving because they liked slavery and lincoln was against it
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    The southern secession lasted from april 12th 1861 to may 9 1865 the southern session involved the border states virginia arkansas tennessee and north carolina joined the new government the southern secession was an outbreak of the american civil war the country was split in two sides the president of the south was jefferson davis