Chapter 14: The Age of Reform

  • American Colonization Society is formed.

    Formed by a group of white Virginians. Worked to gradually free enslaved workers by buying them from slaveholders and sending them abroad to Liberia to start new lives.
  • First African-American settlers arrive in Liberia

    Liberia is Latin for Place of Freedom. 12,00-20,000 African-Americans settled there from 1822 to 1865.
  • Robert Owen establishes New Harmony Indiana

    Utopian society dedicated to cooperation, rather than competition.
  • William Lloyd Garrison founds the Liberator

    Abolitionist, moved to Boston to found his own pro-Abolition newspaper.
  • Oberlin College admits African-Americans

    Founded in 1833, admitted both women and African-Americans.
  • Horace Mann initiates education reform

    Lawyer who became the head of the Massachusetts Board of Education. Lenghtened school year to six months, made improvements in curriculum, doubled teachers' salaries and developed better ways to train teachers.
  • Mary Lyon established Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in Massachussets

    Modeled on the curriculum of Amherst College.
  • Dorothea Dix reveals abuses of mentally ill and prisoners

    Schoolteacher who began visiting prisons in 1841. Made it her life's work to educate the public about the poor conditions.
  • Liberia becomes an independent country.

  • Women's Rights Convention Held in Seneca Falls, NY

    Date sometime in July. 200 women and 40 men attended convention. Issued a Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. Demanded Suffrage!!!!
  • Elizabeth Blackwell founds the New York Infirmary for Women and Children

    Blackwell was turned down by more than 20 medical schools before being accepted by Geneva College in NY. Graduated at the head of her class.
  • Wyoming Territory grants women right to vote.

    First territory to allow women to vote!