Chapter 14

By Carynna
  • Self government

    Self government
    Self government was England's american Colonie they attracted the virginia company to elect the representive
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The house of Burgesses set the Goverment to make laws and years later the english colonies developed the constittuion
  • Britain Sails to america

    Britain Sails to america
    The Pilgrims left Britain for america so they could worship freely they sailed on the mayflower and landed in what is now know as today Massachusetts
  • Religious freedom

    Religious freedom
    Many Pilgrims that came to america were seeking Religious freedom like one group called the quakers were persucted in which they established Pennyslvia
  • Finding Colonists

    Finding Colonists
    The Success of many Plymoths Encourged many pilgrims to sail all the way to america more than 20,000 pilgrims landed in america
  • Revolt

    England United with Scotland to create Britain So that the other colonies would depend on Britain for trade
  • Trade

    The American Colonies traded with Britain In return with the American Colonies trade they traded teas and spices from Asia
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Parliaments passed the Stamp act which taxed any printing material and also beared a stamp
  • British attacks the Americas

    British attacks the Americas
    The British troops and The American colonies clashed together because of the Americans were attacking the royal tax collectors and writers from Britain
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The parliament also decided to pass the tea act it allowed the British east company to ship tea without paying taxes
  • Independence

    British Soldiers wanted to destroy the weapons being stored in Concord so they attacked the armed colonists and fought at the first battle of the American Revolution
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    This congress wanted to create an army with George Washington but also tried to settle a difference with Britain because of the first American revolution