Chinese and Japanese Act
While Waves of Europeans arrived on the shores of the East coast immigrants came to the West Coast in smaller numbers.
Many came to seek their fortuns after the dicovery of gold in 1848 sparked the California Gold rush. -
Bessemer Process
Developed Independent manufacturing process -
Florence Kelly
she became an adcate for improving the lives of Women and children. she was also, appointed cheif inspector of factories for Illonis factory act in 1893. -
Edwin L Drake successfully used a steam engine
He used it to drill for oil near Titusville, Pennsylvania, that was removing oil from beneath the earth,s surface became practical. -
appoximately 20 million europeans arrived in the U.S. Many of these new immigrants left to escape religious persecution. -
Jim Crow laws
After a popular old minstrel song that ended in the words Jim Crow. The supreme court failed to overturn the poll tax. -
Poll Tax
An annual tax that had to be paid before qualifying to vote. black as well as White sharecroppers were often too poor to pay the poll tax. -
Women Lead Reform
Dangerous conditions, low wages,and long hors led many female industrial workers to push for reforms. Their ranks grew after 146,workers, mostly young womren.