Chapter 13

  • Black Hawk's War

    It was a conflict between the United States and Native Americans led by Black Hawk, a Sauk leader.
  • Texas Becomes Independent State

    Texan Army defeats Mexican Army and captures Santa Anna and forces him to sign treaty which declares Texas as an independent republic.
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    The Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of American revolutionists and the Mexican Army held at the Alamo mission which was used as a fort by the Americans
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    Oregon Trail Most Active

    The route travelers used to travel to Oregon. It also had paths tht led to California and Utah. Was used the most in this time period.
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    Presidency of James K Polk

    He was willing to obtain California and New Mexico by any means. As a result of this, he baited Mexico into starting a war with them then blamed them for it.
  • Mormon Migration to Utah

    They found Utah appealing because of the lack of white settlers and its isolated location.
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    Mexican-American War

    The Mexicans lacked the necessary leadership, modern artillery, and the naval capacity to stop the U.S. By the end of 1846, the U.S. military had achieved all of its objectives in the Mexican borderlands. Mexico still refused to concede defeat to America. Finally, the Mexican government sued for peace, and signed the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.
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    California Gold Rush

    Gold was first discovered in 1848 and word spread. Roughly 300,000 settlers traveled to California in the next year.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty that ended Mexican-American War. America won California, New Mexico, and gave Mexican government 15 million dollars.
  • Fort Laramie Treaty

    A treaty that tried to draw boundaries for the various tribes, offering
    them $50,000 a year for 50 years.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    It established the final borders of the lower 48 states