Chapter 13 & 14

  • Mexico gains independence from Spain

  • Americans are defeated at the Alamo

  • John Tyler becomes president

  • Americans and British agree to the Webster Ashburton Treatry

  • United States annexes Texas

  • Mexican-American War begins

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican-American war

  • Free-soil party is orgnized

  • California gold rush begins

  • With the Gadsden Purchase, the united, the United States acquires an additonal 30,000 square miles from Mexico

  • Congress passes the Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • Republican Party founded

  • A pro slavery mob sacks Lawrence Kansas

  • Charles Summer of Massachutes is caned and seriously injured

  • U.S. Supreme Court issues Dred Scott

  • Lecompton Constitution declares that slavery will be allowed in Kansas

  • Abraham Linclon debates Stephen A. Douglas during the 1858 Illonis sentate race

  • John Brown and followers stage a failed raid at Harpes Ferry, Virginia, in a attrempt to incite a slave inssurection

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    South Carolina and six other southern states secede from the Union Critteenden Compromise is proposed but fails

  • Fort Sumter falls to Confedarate forces triggers Civil War

  • Abraham Lincoln is inagurated president