Chapter 12 Timeline

By Yuvan1
  • The Shakers

    The Shakers
    The Shakers were the most successful religious community as they had a significant impact on the outside world. The Shakers believed in dual personality (equality of men and women). They were the first Utopian community to be established.
  • American Colonization Society

    The American Colonization Society promoted the gradual abolition of slavery and the settlements of black Americans in Africa. It established countries in Africa so black Americans can settle in Africa.
  • Robert Owen's Purchase

    Robert Owen's Purchase
    Owen purchased the Harmony Community in Indiana where he then established New Harmony, he hoped to create a "new Morale world". Owen believed in communitarianism to ensure workers receive full value in labor.
  • The Temperance Movement

    The Temperance Movement
    The American Temperance Society directed its efforts to redeem habitual drinking. Its purpose was to renounce drinking to Americans. The temperance movement aroused considerable hospitality.
  • American Anti-Slavery Society

    American Anti-Slavery Society
    Many people around the time when the American Anti-Slavery society joined local groups devoted to abolition. More than 100,000 joined the groups of anti-slavery.
  • Female Moral Reform Society

    Female Moral Reform Society
    Thanks to Dorothea Dix, 28 states constructed mental hospitals before Civil War. This led to the formation of the Female Moral Reform society, which sought to redeem prostitutes from lives of sin
  • Moral Susaion

    Moral Susaion
    Moral Susaion began in the 1830s and what it did was slaveholders were to be convicted of their ways, and the North. They were among the first to appreciate key roles of public opinion.
  • Abolitionism riot in Boston

    Abolitionism riot in Boston
    Led by "gentlemen of property and standing", mobs had disrupted abolitionist meetings in northern cities. They were after William Lloyd Garrison.
  • Establishing Brook Farm

    Establishing Brook Farm
    The Brook Farm was established to help demonstrate that manual and intellectual labor could coexist. It modeled the community as a whole from the ideas of social reformer Charles Fourier.
  • The Oneidas

    The Oneidas
    The Oneidas were another utopian community where they believed that men could achieve moral perfection and didn't believe in the equality of sexes. John Humphrey Noyes believed that they were as perfect as they come.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention

    The Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Fall Convention marked the beginning of women's suffrage. Voting, owning land, and divorcing was still in debate after the convention. Feminism was becoming a worldwide topic as feminists were fighting for women's rights.
  • Release of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Release of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin modeled the autobiography of a fugitive slave named Josiah Henson. It portrayed slaves as sympathetic men and women looking or freedom.
  • Summary

    The turning point in the 1820s-1840s were the formation of societies that were fighting for a cause. The Anti-Slavery and Colonization society led the way for women's rights to be in place. This timeline was basically like a cause and effect. It impacted the U.S as slavery would be banned and blacks would therefore get rights. This was all because of the societies forming to fight a cause