Pet names
In marriages pet names were popular -
Cane Ridge
Massive revival held at Cane ridge Kentucky. -
American Colonization Society founded
American Colonization Society founded. -
American Temperance society organized
American Temperance society organized -
The per capita of alcohol consumption dropped 50%. -
Theodore Wekd advocates abolition inOhio and Upstate New York. -
Charles Finney evangelizes Rochester, New York. -
The Liberator
The first issue of the liberator is published -
Anti-Slvery Society is created
Anti-Slavery society organized -
American Temperance Society
There were 500 local branches of Ats. -
American Temperance Society splits into factions
American Temperance society splits. -
Mcguffys electric readers first appeared helped children learn to read. -
Board of Education
Massachuttes establishes a state board of education -
Elijah Lovejoy
Elijah Lovejoy is killed in by a proslavery mob. -
Dorothea Dix
She startes making the comitment of helping asylums and prisons. -
Liberty Party Established
A party broken away form the anit-slavery movement. -
American Anti- Slavery Splits
The split was casued by womens rights. -
Brooke Farm
Trancendentalists organize a model community at Brooke Farm. -
Seneca falls
Feminists gather at Senca Falls, New York, and found the Womens rights movement. -
Henry David Thoreaus Walden is published.