chapter 11 timeline

By 18073ms
  • Cape of Good Hope

    Cape of Good Hope
    Dutch find route to sail between Indies and Netherlands
  • British take over Cape colony

    In the early 1800's British take over Cape colony
  • Quinine

    A medicine that helps the Europiens get to Africa without geting a disiese.
  • Escape the British

    Several thousand Boers begin to head north
  • British in India

    British in India
    By 1850 the British had controle over most of India.
  • Africa Trading

    Africa and Europe estblish a steady trading relationship with eachother
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    this was between the Russians and the Ottomans for a peninsula.
  • Boers gold

    In 1860 and 1880 diamond and gold was found in south Africa
  • Diamonds and Gold

    Diamonds and Gold
    This increased the intrest for Europeans to colonize Africa
  • Going on a mission

    Dr.Livingstone enters Africa to search.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    The suez canal in Egypt connecting the Red sea to the meditranean sea
  • David Livingstone

    He went on a mission to spread Christianity and got lost in central Africa, He was lost and this is when he was found.
  • Confession of Faith

    Confession of Faith
    Cecil Rhodes gives his famous speech about how their race is suppioer.
  • Shaka

    Shaka was the zulu millitary leader who led them to a win ut but loss the war due to not having guns
  • Zulu war

    Zulu war
    The zulu war was between the zulus and the britsh army the brits won.
  • It Begins

    The scramble for African territorys begins.
  • Rules for colonilization

    Rules for colonilization
    Berlin confrences sets rules for African Colonizations.
  • United States

    They get hawii and the Phillipiens.
  • Boer war

    Boer war
    The Boer war starts.
  • Africa

    All of Africa but Ethiopia and Libria had been takin over.