Chapter 11 Timeline

  • 2 Years From Today

    I will almost be done with my first semester of teaching on my own
    and I will possibly be working on my Master's Degree
  • 1 Year From Today

    I will almost done with internship 2,
    I will almost be finished with my Bachelor's Degree, and
    I will know what grade I want to teach
  • 5 Years From Today

    I will be done with my Master's Degree,
    Have lots of experience teaching and will be a great teacher,
    I will be starting, or have already started, having kids, and
    I will live in my own apartment/house
  • 10 Years From Today

    I will be a Principal,
    I will have two kids,
    I will have a husband,
    and I will have my own house
  • At the End of My Career

    I will have positively impacted many people, I will have encouraged people to do great things, I will live in my house with only my husband, and my kids will have moved out and started great careers