Chapter 11 Assesment

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


    The practice of a larger country or government growing stronger by taking over poorer or weaker countries that have important resources
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Moroccans Invade

    Moroccans Invade
    The Moroccans invade the kingdom of Mali.
  • Oct 21, 1551

    Trans-Atlantic slave trade

    Trans-Atlantic slave trade
    Thousands of Africans were shipped to Brazil to work on the sugar plantation.
  • Jan 2, 1562

    Slave trade in Africa

    Britain begins slave trade in Africa.
  • Britain Invasion

    Britain Invasion
    Britain invades Gambia.
  • Dutch East India Company and, the Dutch Boers

    Dutch East India Company and, the Dutch Boers
    Dutch East India Company found Cape of Good Hope, and the Dutch Boers colony develops.
  • France Invasion

    France invaded Senegal.
  • British forces capture South African Cape Town

    British forces capture the South African Cape Town colony from the Dutch.
  • Britain abolishes slave trade

    Britain abolishes slave trade
    No more slave trade
  • Liberia is formed

    Liberia is formed by African Americans.
  • Liberia is formed

    Liberia is formed by African-Americans
  • Britain Segregation

    Britain Segregation
    Britain introduces segregation in Natal.
  • The Republic of Liberia is independent

    The Republic of Liberia becomes independent from the U.S.
  • Scottish David Livingstone explores the Zambezi River.

    Scottish David Livingstone explores the Zambezi River.
  • Cambodia

    Was under Thai and Vietnamese control 1800-1862
  • Shaka Zulu establish the Zulu Kingdom and starts the Zulu Mfecane, fighting against British forces

  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    The Suez Canal opens, big route for shipping and travel.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    The West African Conference in Berlin to divide the African Continent among the European nations.1884-85
  • The Scramble for Africa

    November 1884-February of 1885 was the West Africa Conference in Berlin, was about Europe taking over Africa.
  • South Africa Unifies

    South Africa unified as one nation which was a mix of different European nations.
  • Europe takes over Africa

    Europe takes over Africa
    By 1914, all of Africa was taken over by Europe.