Chapter 11&12 from "The Kite Runner" Important Events Timeline

  • Story Jumps to 1980's

    The author "Flashes Forward" and the story is now set in 1980's Fremont California
  • Baba throws a fit in a store upon being asked for his ID.

    First important event of Chapter 11
  • Amir graduates high-school

    Amir graduates high-school,happens around 1981
  • l General Taheri, Soraya's father, essentially tells Amir to stop hanging around his daughter.

    l General Taheri, Soraya's father, essentially tells Amir to stop hanging around his daughter. This is an important event in the story because it portrays, General Taher as overprotective of his daughter, something which will change as the story progresses.
  • Baba is later taken to the hospital and is diagnosed with lung cancer.

    Baba is later taken to the hospital and is diagnosed with lung cancer. Baba soon becomes Amir's main focus. Baba getting sick is an important event in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner because it shows the theme that family comes first when Amir focuses on Baba (his family) more than anything else. (Dates are not really accurate; I'm just using them to show a passage of time)
  • Baba, in his last moments asks General Taheri if Amir could have Soraya's hand in marriage.

    Near the end of the chapter Baba, in his last moments asks General Taheri if Amir could have Soraya's hand in marriage. Taheri agrees, which prompts Soraya and Amir to talk over the phone. Soraya tells Amir that she ran away from home when she was 18. This is the final important event in the chapter because Amir's feelings shift to uneasy, and doubtful.