
Chapter 11 - 12

  • Monroe Doctrine is Established

    Monroe Doctrine is Established
    American and Latin American colonies were fearful of European countries trying to take over. To help prevent this from happening President James Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine. It stated that the European countries could not colonize American continents.
  • Taiping Rebellion Starts

    Taiping Rebellion Starts
    Hong Xiuquan strted to recruit followers to help him build a great peaceful kingdom. In this kingdom, no one would live in poverty and wealth would be shared. His following became massive and took control of large areas of China until they were brought down by Qing, British and French troops.
  • China and Britain clash in Opium War

    China and Britain clash in Opium War
    Britain refused to stop trading Opium to China even after the Qing emperor wrote their queen a letter. China declared war on them but were no match for Britain's superior technology. The chinese were defeated and forced to sign a peace treaty.
  • European Trading with Africa becomes well established

    European Trading with Africa becomes well established
    Africa had raw materials that were valuable to European countries. The Europeans started to establish a trading system with them in order to receive these materials. Soon they decided to imperialize parts of the country to get the materials without a cost.
  • Japan Ends its Isolation

    Japan Ends its Isolation
    In 1854 China agreed to open two of its ports for trade with the United States ending its isolation. The U.S. had threatened them into coming out of isolation and trading with them. China did not have a choice because of their superior ships and technology.
  • Suez Canal Opens

    Suez Canal Opens
    Isma'il made efforts to modernize Egypt like his grandfather Muhammad Ali before him. He helped support the construction of the Suez Canal which would connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. This project was very expensive and he could not afford to pay back European bankers so they began to occupy Egypt.
  • Berlin Conference sets rules for African Colonization

    Berlin Conference sets rules for African Colonization
    The fierce competition between European countries in gaining territory in Africa made them afraid of war against each other. To prevent a war from happening several European nations gathered at a conference to divide up the land. They did not consider those who lived in the country while making the decisions.
  • United States annexes Hawaii

    United States annexes Hawaii
    The United States' sugar trade with Hawaii was worth 75 percent of the nation's wealth. The McKinley Tariff Act made sugar from Hawaii no longer cheaper than other places, so the U.S. pushed for an annexation of Hawaii. If they made it a part of the United States then they could sell the sugar at higher prices.
  • United States wins Spanish-American War

    United States wins Spanish-American War
    The United States had went to war to help free Cuba from the Spanish. They won the war and gained several territories, including Puerto Rico. The war gave the U.S. an opportunity to take overseas possesions.
  • Boer War begins in South Africa

    Boer War begins in South Africa
    The first modern "total" war was between the British and the Boers. It started after outsiders were coming from all over the world in search of diamonds and gold. A rebellion against the Boers had started and they blamed the British, starting the Boer war.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The Russians rejected a Japanese plan to divide Manchuria and Korea into spheres of influence. Japan launched a surprise naval attack against a Russian naval base in China. The Russian fleet was defeated.
  • Japan annexes Korea

    Japan annexes Korea
    Japan acquired more and more power from the Korean government. The Korean king was not able to get the support he needed so he gave up his control of the country. Japan soon proposed an annexation of the country, bringing it under their control.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    The Mexican revolution ended dictatorship in Mexico and established a republic. It all started to overthrow their president. People began to turn on him and lean more towards wanted a more democratic like government.
  • Most of Africa is under European Control

    Most of Africa is under European Control
    Most of the African country by 1914 has been under European control. They all wanted the most land or territory in the country. They gained raw materials and cash crops that were esential to them. The native Africans were in some cases forced to give up their land to them.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    American and British businessmen wanted to ship goods quickly and cheaply between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. President Theodore Roosevelt supported the building of the canal. It took around ten years to build and many obstcles prolonged the construction.