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chapter 1 & 2

  • 310


    Chinese school of thought, originating in the Warring States Period with Laozi. Was an alternative to Confucianism and put values in hierarchy and duty.
  • 365


    to 338 BCEmost innovative of all the states of this era Coming from the same Wei River Valley frontier region as the Zhou and exposed to barbarian influences and attacks, the Qin rulers commanded a nation of hardy farmers and employed them in large, well-trained armies.
  • 551


    Confucius the phlosifer created a new religion where family was everything ,Each person had there own job and pulled there own weight.
  • Oct 11, 600

    Iron metallurgy

    Iron metallurgy
    During the Zhou Dynasty, weapona started to be made from iron instead of copper. Iron was a major evoultion in weapon making, took a skilled person to make iron, and iron is made through a hard and long process.
  • Oct 11, 1000

    Celtic Era

    Celtic Era
    Celtic is the large Indo-European family of languages found in Europe and Asia. The celts were a stong group of people with a new outlook on religon as well as life styles.
  • Oct 11, 1000

    Roaman Conquest

    Roaman Conquest
    From the first century to second century BCE --Spain, southern Britain, France, and parts of Central Europe cur- tailed the evolution of Celtic society. The peoples in these lands were largely assimilated to Roman ways
  • Oct 10, 1045


    Till 221 BCE the Shang were overthrown they took over many elements of Shang cul- ture. The Zhou line of kings was the longest lasting and most revered of all dynasties in Chi- nese history.
  • Oct 11, 1045

    Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    developed by the Zhou, according to which it was the prerogative of Heaven, the chief deity, to grant power to the ruler of China and to take away that power if the ruler failed to conduct himself justly and in the best interests of his subjects.
  • Oct 11, 1200


    to 400 BCE -The first Mesoamerican civilization.Olmec people came from central Mexico. The also created many sculpures of themselves that are still around today.
  • Oct 10, 1532

    New Egypt

    New Egypt
    When Egypt stated over for the third time. New egypt mas more powerfull than ancient Egypt. Egypt today still uses some of the same concpts of new Egypt.
  • Shang

    The dominant people in the earliest Chi- nese dynasty for which we have written records till 1045 BCE
  • Hammarabis Code

    Hammarabis Code
    1) the free, landowning class, (2) the class of dependent farmers and artisans (3) the class of slaves, Penalties for crimes prescribed in the Law Code depended on the class of the offender, with the most severe punishments reserved for the slaves.
  • Caesar

    between 58 and 51 BCE best sources of information about Celtic society is the account of the Roman general Gaius Julius Caesar, who conquered Gaul
  • Bronze metallurgy

    Bronze metallurgy
    Bronze was a major break though for the Xia. Bronze helped with weapons making as well as crafting.
  • Early China

    Early China
    to 221 BCE eastern edge of the vast Eurasian landmass, Neolithic cultures developed as early as 8000 b.c.e. A more complex civilization evolved in the second and first millennia b.c.e.
  • Early Americas

    Early Americas
    thousands of years the population of the Americas grew and spread throughout the hemisphere, adapting to environments that included polar extremes, tropical rain forests, and high mountain ranges as well as deserts, woodlands, and prairies.
  • Warring states

    Warring states
    To 221 BCE second half of the Eastern Zhou era rivalry and warfare between the states accelerated only seven major states remained.
  • Chavín

    to 250 BCE mountainous core, arid coastal plain, and dense interior junglesAndean region were villages of a few hundred people built along the coastal plain or in the foothills near the coast. The abundance of fish and mol- lusks along the coast of Peru
  • Middle Egypt

    Middle Egypt
    The middle part of egyptian history. Middle Egypt was a part of upper egypt more than lower egypt but was classified as lower egypt, But it declined in the 17th century.
  • Xia

    Succeded by the Sang. One of the three major chines dynastys. the second most sucseeful.
  • Semities

    2350–2230 b.c.e. Akkadian and the other major power shift was from 1900–1600 b.c.e. Old Babylonian (Semitic). Their languages include Hebrew, Aramic, and Phoenician. The most widespread language was Arabic.
  • Indus Valley civilization

    Indus Valley civilization
    Civilazation left record in 1900 BCE, we are unsure why hey disapeaed. The Indus valley had 2 great cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, were were discovered 80 years ago.
  • Mohenjo-Daro

    Largest of the cities of the Indus Valley civilization. It was centrally located in the extensive floodplain of the Indus River
  • Harappa

    Site of one of the great cities of the Indus Valley civilization-located on the northwest frontier of the zone of culti- vation
  • Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    Located at the intersection of Asia and Africa, Egypt was protected by surrounding barriers of desert and a harborless, marshy seacoast. Main natural reasource is the Nile river
  • Hieroglyphics

    A systemof writing with symbols etched into clay tablets. Hieroglyphics were created by the ancient Egyptians.
  • Cuneiform

    A system of writ- ing in which wedge-shaped symbols represented words, it originatedin Mesopotamia and was used initially for Sumerian and Akkadian
  • Mroë

    In Nubia the center of gravity had shifted south to Meroë, perhaps because Meroë was better situated for agriculture and trade, the economic mainstays of the Nubian kingdom. As a result, sub-Saharan cultural patterns gradually replaced Egyptian ones.
  • Nubia

    Nubia has been applied to a thousand-mile stretch of the Nile Valley lying between Aswan and Khartoum and straddling the southern part of the modern nation of Egypt and the northern part of Sudan Nubia is the only continuously inhabited territory connecting sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa.
  • Sumerians

    Dominated southern Mesopotamia thought the tird millenium, responsible for many fundamental elements.
  • Agricultural Revoulution

    Agricultural Revoulution
    The Agricultural revoulution span from 8000 to 2000 B.C.E, the change from food gathering to food production.
  • Mesopotamia

    “land between the rivers” , it is between the Euphrates and Tigrus rivers. In what is now Iraq, also know as the fertile crsent.