Chapman History

By toicrvr
  • JFK elceted for president

    JFK elceted for president
    John F Kennedy was elceted for president of the Unided Stated with 112,827 more votes than Richard Nixon.
  • Russia sent first man into space

    Russia sent first man into space
    Yuri Gagarin was the first man on outer space. It's quite important because it was the first man in outer space, duh.
  • Berlin builds a new wall

    Berlin builds a new wall
    The berlin wall was built to divide berlin into 4 sectors
  • JFK assassinated

    JFK assassinated
    JFK was assassinated on November 22 1965. Nobody knows who killed him or why they killed him.
  • Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan show

    Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan show
    The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show. Broadway New York
  • Ford introduces the "Mustang"

    Ford introduces the "Mustang"
    Lee Lacococca invited the Mustang
  • MLK receives a Nobel Peace Prize

    MLK receives a Nobel Peace Prize
    he is rewarded this because of his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America.
  • people die in Watts Ghetto Riot

    people die in Watts Ghetto Riot
    34 people die in the Watts Ghetto Riot in Los Angeles, California
  • Richard Nixon for President

    Richard Nixon for President
    He is from Yorba Linda, CA
    It is signifiant because he was our 37 president
  • Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon
    its significant because it was the first man on the moon