Sep 3, 1488
De Gama Reaches India
Vasco de Gmma sailed around the tip of Africa reaching India.
He was the first to do so -
Period: Sep 3, 1488 to
Chap 1-2
Oct 13, 1492
Columbus Arrives
Columbus Lands on the Islands South of Florida, Calles them West Indies, and calls inhabitants Indians -
Sep 3, 1493
Columbus Returns
He brought Back Over, a Hundred men, And Noahs Ark of animails from Europe -
Sep 3, 1494
Treaty of Torsellias is in effect
Spain Gained most of the Land, and portugol only got a little -
Sep 3, 1513
Ponce de Leon Explores Florida
Searched for gold and precious substances for Spain to no avail -
Sep 3, 1519
Cortes Crushes Mayan Empire
Cortes Leads Men in to Tenochitlanad Crushes the Mayans with Fighting and Disease. At first, mayans thought Cortez and men were gods -
Sep 3, 1532
Pizarro Crushes Incas
Pizarro Crushes Incas of Peru, and brought back a lot of valuables from there to spain -
Sep 4, 1577
Drake Curcumnavigates the Globe
Drake Curcumnavigates the Globe, Bringnig Riches Back to the home country. -
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
English Defeat, Spanish in English Channel -
Huge Population
4 Million people in colonies -
Treaty Between Spain and England
They Signed a Peace Treaty giving england a lot of land but it gave spain have a lot of land that was unknown -
Virginia Co. Founded
Founded to bring people to the new land -
Virginia Colony Founded at Jamestown, Very Swapy and difficult to live in. -
Rolfe Profects Tabbacco Growing in the English Colonies. -
Virginia and the King
Virginia Becomes a Royal Colony. -
1st Of the African Slaves
Large-Scale Slave-Labor System Established in West Indies -
Slave Code
Barabdos Slave Code Made Law. It gave slaves virtally no rights. -
Carolina Colony Created. -
North Carolina
North Carolina Seperates From South Carolina. NOw two States -
Geroga Colony Founded