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Chantana's Psychological Timeline

  • Newborn

    I was born! :) According to Erikson, at this age I was developing a trust with my parents when they care for me. When I did not get what I wanted then I would cry and not trust them after. At this time, I am learning feeding and the benefits I get from obeying.
  • Period: to


    At this time, i am learning how to use motor skills and trust vs mistrust. Little baby Chantana is learning how to get what she wants and how to coordinate her movements.
  • 1-3

    At 1, I am learning that the use of language is important. My object permanence is developed. Erikson states that i have success leads to a reward and failure leads to shame.
  • Period: to


    At this time, I was learning self interest and developing morals. I was also developing an abstract thinking and using proper language and syntax.
  • 3-9

    I have learned self interest and that doing right will earn me a reward. According to Kohlberg, I have learned conventional morality and based on piaget's theory, I developed concrete operational skills. Erikson states i have passed toilet training, exploration, and school. I developed a sense of independence, power in success, and how to cope with new social skills.
  • Period: to


    This is the period of my life where i learn more about my identity and start to actually develop one. I go through puberty and learn how to develop into an adult.
  • 12-14

    At these ages, I go through an identity crisis. I go through puberty and my hormones ARE EVERYWHERE! I am learning who i want to be and going through phases. I remember in the 8th grade when i dyed my hair purple which i then got tired of and turned green. According to Piaget, I am developing formal operational thinking and learning abstract thinking and concepts.
  • 19-40

    Kohlberg believes that at this stage I am going through postconventional morality. "Actions reflect belief in basic rights and self-defined ethical principles."
  • Period: to

    Early Adulthood

    RELATIONSHIPS! I am building close relationships that I am hoping will last. This stage is where i learn intimacy vs isolation.
  • 19-40

    Erikson believes that if im successful then i will be happy and it will be easier to build close relationships. He also believes that if i fail then it will result in isolation and loneliness.
  • Period: to

    Middle Adulthood

    At this time, I will experience the physical looks of aging. My lens will start to appear less apparent and my neural processor will slow down. My strength and stamina will also slowly diminish.
  • 40-65

    At this timespan of my life, I have finally learned my self identity. The speed of my information processing has declined and going through the stage of generatively vs. stagnation. Erikson says this stage is where I will learn how work and be a parent. This stage is where I realize success leads to feelings of usefulness. He says that at this age i need to nurture something and benefit other people's lives.
  • Period: to

    Late adulthood

    DEATH!:( At this stage, hopefully i will be surrounded by lots of friends and family. I hope i have accomplished most of the things i wanted to do in life like traveling and meeting Justin Bieber. It's a scary time but also a time of reflection.
  • 68-DEATH!

    Ego Integrity vs. Despair. Erikson states that this is the stage of reflection. This is where i will look back on my life and see what contributions i have made if any. I feel like I would be overdramatic and make everyone hang out with me before i go. Knowing me, I will probably guilt them into being with me. Success at this stage gives you that feeling of fulfillment, like you made your contributions to the world and you're ready to go.