Changing Timelines

  • Period: 276 BCE to 195 BCE

    Eratoshenes of Cyrene

  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes Calculated Earth's Circumference

  • 236 BCE

    Eratosthenes Appointed Chief Librarian at Age 40

    prominent position at the Library of Alexandria
  • 165 BCE

    Ptolemy's Death

  • 85 BCE

    Ptolemy's Birth

  • Period: 85 BCE to 165 BCE

    Ptolemy's Timeline

  • 1473

    Copernicus is Born

  • Period: 1473 to 1543

    Copernicus Timeline

  • 1492

    Copernicus Studies at Karlow

  • 1514

    Copernicus Publishes Short Astronomy Reports

  • 1532

    Copernicus Completes Astronomical Manuscript

  • 1541

    Copernicus' Manuscript Published

  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo's Birth

    Pisa, Italy
  • Period: Feb 15, 1564 to

    Galileo and Newton's Timeline

  • 1581

    Galileo Began University Studies

    At the University of Pisa, Galileo questioned Aristotle's widely accepted findings about gravity and physics.
  • Galileo Wrote First Paper

    His findings on objects floating on water
  • Galileo's New Interests

    Galileo became interested in astronomy and the cause of tides (sea astronomy)
  • Galileo's Heliocentric View

    Galileo wrote a letter to Johannes Kepler, stating that he agreed with Copernicus' heliocentric view of the universe.
  • Galileo Goes Against Aristotle

    Galileo observed a supernova in space, which went against Aristotle's claim that no change ever took place in the heavens.
  • Galileo Observes Jupiter

    Galileo saw Jupiter's moons orbiting the planet with his own telescope
  • Galileo Publishes The Starry Messenger

    Galileo published his findings in The Starry Messenger and observed that Venus circled the sun, just as Copernicus thought
  • Galileo Agreed with Copernicus

    Galileo published Letters on Sunspots, in which he wrote that he agreed with Copernicus in the appendix. This was the first time he publicly made his opinion known. He included his observations of Venus, the tides, and Jupiter's moons, which he concluded could only occur if the Earth revolved around the sun.
  • Galileo vs. The Catholic Church

    Galileo disagreed with the Catholic Church getting involved with matters of science, but the church prohibited Copernicus' book and any books that agreed with it.
  • Galileo Charged With Heresy

  • Galileo's Death

  • Newton's Birth

    Lincolnshire, England
  • Newton's Early Days

    Newton attends King's School and spends his free time making wooden models, kites, sundials, and a water clock
  • Newton Goes to College

    Cambridge University
  • White Light Discovery

    Newton discovers that "white" light is composed of all colors and studies calculus and gravity. He famously sat under his grandparents' apple tree and pondered gravity after watching an apple fall. He wondered if the gravitational pull could also apply to the moon to keep it in its orbit.
  • Newton Publishes Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

    Newton explained the 3 Laws of Motion and the Law of Universal Gravitation. His research led to his understanding of the motion of celestial bodies and the building of a new telescope that used mirrors instead of light. Newton was influenced by Galileo in his first law of motion, and Newton's knowledge of physics, mathematics, and astronomy made a big difference in understanding Earth and the universe.
  • Newton Knighted by Queen Anne

  • Newton's Death

  • Period: to

    Charles Dawrin

  • Charles Dawrin's Birth

  • Darwin Sets Sail

    on the Beagle
  • Period: to

    Dimitri Mendeleev Timeline

  • Dimitri Mendeleev is Born

  • Galileo's Book Finally Removed From List of Prohibited Books

  • Mendeleev Enrolls in Pedagogical Institute

    St. Petersburg; mother and sister die of tuberculosis
  • Mendeleev Graduates as a Science Teacher

    Accepts a job in Simferopol in Crimea
  • Mendeleev Publishes Textbook, Organic Chemistry

    Wins prestigious Domidov Prize
  • Mendeleev Becomes Professor of Chemistry at University of St. Petersburg

  • Marie Curie's Birth

    Warsaw, Poland
  • Period: to

    Marie Curie's Timeline

  • Mendeleev Creates the Periodic Table of the Elements

  • Period: to

    Alfred Wegener

  • Marie Graduates High School at 15

    Marie was an exceptional student and graduated with top grades
  • Charles Darwin's Death

  • Marie Moves to Paris to Study

    The Sorbonne
  • Marie Earns a Physics Degree

  • Marie Begins Work on Radioactivity

    Marie solved the mystery of why uranium gave off a new narrow beam of energy
  • Marie discovers Polonium and Radium

    She came up with the term "radioactive"
  • Discovery of Beta Rays and Alpha Rays

    Curie worked with English physicist JJ Thompson and Ernest Rutherford and distinguished 2 different kinds of particles from radioactive substances.
  • The Curies See Radioactive Radium

    Marie and her husband's findings were important in understand the structure of an atom.
  • Marie Receives Doctorate Degree

  • Nobel Prize

    Marie and her husband share the Nobel Prize in Physics
  • The Curies Become Sick

    Radioactive sickness from years of handling radioactive material
  • Alfred Wegener Receives PhD in Astronomy

    University of Berlin
  • Wegener and Brother Set World Record

    Longest time spent aloft in a balloon -- 52 hours
  • Marie Becomes the First Female Professor at Sorbonne

    After her husband's death
  • Period: to

    Harry Hammond Hess

  • Mendeleev Dies of Influenza in St. Petersburg

  • Marie and Einstein

    Discuss energy coming from radioactive elements
  • Nobel Prize for Chemistry

    Marie discovered the molecular weight for polonium and radium
  • Wegener Published The Origin of Continents and Oceans

    Claimed that 300 million years ago the continents formed a single mass called "Pangaea"
  • Period: to

    Francis Crick

  • Francis Crick's Birth

  • Period: to

    Rosalind Franklin

  • Rosalind Franklin's Birth

  • Wengener Teaches Meteorology and Geophysics

    University of Graz in Austria
  • Period: to

    James Watson

  • James Watson's Birth

  • Marie Curie's Death

  • Wengener Leads Dogsled Teams in the Arctic

  • Harry Hammond Hess Takes Command of USS Cape Johnson

    The ship was equipped with sonar
  • Rosalind Franklin Joins Biophysics Unit at Kings College

  • Watson and Crick's Work Published

    in Nature
  • Harry Hammond Hess Published History of Ocean Basins

    Came to be called "seafloor spreading"
  • James Watson Wins Nobel Prize

  • Francis Crick Wins Nobel Prize

  • James Watson Plans for Sequencing Human Genome

  • Francis Crick's Death